It probably depends on a whole slew of factors, but the short answer is liable to always be yes, they are exorbitant.
It probably depends on a whole slew of factors, but the short answer is liable to always be yes, they are exorbitant.
You know what you did.
I would totally shop there!
From what I've seen, it's getting harder for the upper management to maintain that facade of denial, at least in their tired, grey faces and glassy eyes.
I can tell you not much has changed since then. Nothing like hearing every third customer ask when you're closing to make the day seem even longer. We should talk more, I bet you've got some stories.
Shoppers deserve to know how their retail sausage is made.
I recommend a vigorous fist massage, at the beginning and end of each day (obviously double sessions every Sunday, before and after church), until death occurs.
And, truth be told, nearly all of them are secretly gay and hoping for the fall-back crutch of LBGT tolerance and understanding once they're caught with some rando's dick in their mouths.
Being the least embarrassing Republican Presidential hopefuls is like being the smartest Hilton sister.
Framed, at their own expense.
Not fresh tomatoes, obviously.
Yes, but the throwers have to hold back until the very last word is read. Imagine the tension the little shits will feel as they wait for it.
Broadcast it, as well.
Sort of a missed opportunity, though; this story would be 10x cooler if he'd subdued the perp with a perfectly-modulated dose of Fugu toxin.
Is that the license plate reference? Because I've just trawled through every comment looking for clues and came up empty.
Space Winnebago would be an awesome band name. Doing twangy covers of sci-fi theme tunes and such. Like Bachmann-Turner Overdrive meets Gene Roddenberry.
He allowed them a warm body to arrest; neighborly of him under the circumstances.
They didn't even riddle the kid with bullet holes. Must have been an internal contest, maybe a theme like "Can we look just slightly better than the NYPD this month?"
Not quite enough like a corpse.
At least she still has God and Jesus. I'm sure they'll be around any day now to offer comfort and the firm, indisputable assurance that she did the right thing.