
Hello Domino's? Do you deliver to planes??? What do you mean which plane??

....and you know I like em big right?? So I dropped her panties and climbed up on back of her. Man I'm telling you her ass was this wide, like a hippo, and I got up on that thing and spanked her something ferocious!!

"......and then she got in the car and left and I could finally drop this MASSIVE kim-chee smelling fart!!"

"No, no, no!! Go to 'Shit-n-Sheep'.......where they'll beat anyone's price or the mattress is fleeeeeeeeee"

Dear Leader points: "There! That one!! He's not clapping as I fly by!! Arrest him and his family at once!!!"

America and its prudishness. On one side it produces and sells the most amount of porn per capita and on the other it finds photo's like this "offensive."

Better call Saul.......

(In his best Ken Jong voice from "The Hangover")

It was like 2am when I wrote that. So forgive me.

You have no clue how to eat a steak like this. Piss be on you.

Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you nay-sayers?? Either help him/her out, climb on top and do it up. Life's too short to go to bed angry and deprived.

Always respected my roomies stuff and never took anything. But....

Jesus Christ....after reading some of these......people are fucking freaks!!

Always respected my roomies stuff and never took anything. But....

I'll bet you at one point they'll mix two if not all three up. You just know its gonna happen.

If this was a baseball player, dude would on the DL for 5 months. Hockey players get it taped up and get back out there. Ergo, baseball players are pussies!


"Oh sank you doktor"

"If you notice similarities to the McDonnell Douglas MD-10, that is because the company responsible for the program had also built MD-80s in China, and Aviation Week says the MD-80 design "was referred to," but not fully copied."

"A hospital? What is it?"