More like "Air Asia"
More like "Air Asia"
For us it would be, not necessarily for KJU.
And once it was found out that KJU's luggage was lost, all ground crew employees were promptly cobbled and fed to the dogs.
I always get stuck on the bizarro side of youtube and these videos. Just look up: botfly, sebaceous cyst and boil and the one that started it all: furoncle
"Oh, have you been eating a lot of Nutella lately?"
I think I read somewhere last week that the Russians are scared shitless about this system because it highlights and exploits a lot of their defensive weakness. This system is also only useful against a rogue state/country and not particularly for fighting terrorists.
wonder how many women read this story.
65% larger windows means a greater chance that more fatassed people would get sucked out if it popped!
"Horror video"??? Who the fuck writes this shit!?
....and just think of the HUGE burden that will be placed on your local sewer system tomorrow morning about 7:30am.
And pray tell, just how do you suggest one handle a "screamer" during the thanksgiving festivities??
Um, want to pretend I'm "that guy"?
1. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get that "cousin" shit out of your head to do it?
The Ferrelly brothers should incorporate some of these stories into the next "Dumb & Dumber" movie.
Best line of the week: "shit still pouring from my butt like soft-serve"
What the hell?? Drama filled race?? What race was the writer watching? The only team winning is Mercedes. Where's the drama in that?
Lauda, having gone through what he's gone through and what he's done for F1 safety over the years......he's allowed to talk a lot of shit when he wants!!
Amazing the level of idiocy of some of the posters on here - claiming Ukraine, German and even Americans are responsible for this. I guess when not working on RT (Russia Today) the Russian trolls of Vlady Putin troll MH17 postings to try and "clear Russia's good name."
After you writing that and me envisioning that mentally (kind of like the librarian taking the hair pins out and, in slow motion mind you, shaking her hair out and that sexy music in the background) I have to ask......can I watch you put on and take off a pair of jeans??!! (breathing heavy and wiping sweat from brow)
2 minutes might be the upper limits for him....but you never know. As well, the best beauty is simple beauty - shower quick, throw on some jeans, a t-shirt, ponytail the hair and light make up if any at all. THAT's the kind of woman I am envisioning here and the kind I would want!!