So have any one of you thought that she might be an accountant and/or auditor who only understands spread sheets?
So have any one of you thought that she might be an accountant and/or auditor who only understands spread sheets?
Do I know you?
If not, then you're doing it wrong.
May I suggest "before gym sex"???
What if he's a double hand amputee??
So this woman needs to 1. eat less, 2. shower more, 3. go see a doctor.
Dudes just saved the tax payer about $38 million. Give them all a weekend off with pay!!
Bid on the Summer Olympics and a lot of ice?
I'm sure there's more to it than $5 million. It didnt mention the countless hookers that FIFA uses to aid in "decision making." Those boys at FIFA, talk about a frat-party atmosphere. When is Seppi finally going to clean up the place??!!! Nah, come to think of it, let the members keep bribing each other and…
Will.I.Am should use his full name: Will.I.Am.An.Idiot
Worst lyrics ever: "put your milk in my coco-puffs, milky milky coco-puffs....riiiiight" - he should have been shot for that alone!!!
She's got the ambulance and ass chasing lawyer representing her.
Yeah, that!!! hahaha
Kim K. should press her ass up against one of the canyons in the Hollywood hills so we could have another water reservoir. God knows we need it.
Those Kraptrashians are disgusting breeders. As bad as cockroaches. You try and kill one, 30 others come out of the woodwork. Someone put an exterminator on them pronto!!!
My God, cant you people get a life?? This guy and his driver are gone. Because of speed? Because of suddenly becoming stationary?
Best I've had were straight French oysters, right from the sea as nude as can be with a bottle of Chablis Grand Cru. The other top was raw with horse radish jelly and sauteed spinach and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot. Just pure heaven.
Yeah, we've had enough stories on how these guys died. Fact is, nothing is going to bring them back. Can we move on now?
You should see the one's he and "the boys" hire when they are on "business" trips.