
Wow, right on the heels of the FIFA Group drawing. I'm sure FIFA will only take concern with this when high quality prostitutes are harmed. Until then, they'll take no notice.

I'll be sure to have the maid read this and figure out the best way as to how I want my eggs scrambled and served. Can we do French Toast next please?

Ugh, someone put that bag of wind in bed and feed her her dinner at 4pm already, would ya??!! And she aint no national treasure.

And the car is probably still sitting right where he crashed it. Sad thing is, these fucking drunks survive crashes like this, and are usually the survivors when others are killed. So yeah, FUCK THIS GUY AND ALL LIKE HIM!!!!

You can also have bartenders who smile to the owner's face and rip him off when he's too drunk to realize or not around. There are ways and people are unethical. Sadly many are out for themselves and will try to get ahead any way they can.

What a shitty story!!! Can ya imagine the stink?? And then turbulence that churns that shit back up to your ass?? Oh and those noises and the embarrassment of having to put those around me through this. God I would die!!!! Who passed him the toilet paper?

Exactly the reason why I chose not to go work in Sochi during the olympics. Hell NO!!

Exactly the reason why I chose not to go work in Sochi during the olympics. Hell NO!!

Not one iota of sympathy for this jackass in a coma in the hospital and for the future jail time that the other bike riders hopefully will get. That seems to be the correct and reoccurring consensus through out all the comments about this on the net.

Hopefully two NRA members.

Why are Arabs filming this? Scoping out the next attack? On the water no less? Striking the Watergate Towers? Someone please investigate!!!

Really? A Jaguar? Made of plastic? And people buy this as a "luxury car"? Idiots!!

Five hundred and fifty fucking million dollars??!! When the tennis courts at the park down the street are empty all but 2 hours a month!!??? Jesus!!!

What about those Mexicans? Cause for some reason, the Mexican guy at the Pantry in LA always seems to make me a killer omelet. Like they are born with the knowledge of how to make an omelet in their blood. Unreal.

Did someone say tits??

Has she been contacted by Playboy yet? Cause that's what this is calling for.

How about that. Ice hockey in South Africa.

I so hope this Kanye cheating thing is true. I hope it fucks up Kim's bowl weevel birth and makes that bitch disappear for good!!! What a truly embarrassing cunt - both of them.

In a related story today.....a large tree toppled over, crushed and killed the occupant of a light blue Buick. The occupant never knew what hit him. Over to you Jack!!

They are a cancer to America.