
You forgot the $15-$17 million payday for her sham "wedding" to Kris Humphries? Her sister marrying another B-ball player - primarily for his money and the dumbing down of America they provide through their horrible show. They are a tomato stain on a white shirt. They disgust me to no end.

No, I only said it to the kardashians ,it is the right thing to say. The world has enough bloodsuckers in it, do we need more of them?

No, I disagree. I hate (for lack of a better word) those lazy ass, talentless, gold digging, porn video making, nasal voiced whores known as kardashians.

Anything to keep another kardashian from entering this world!!

I'm not against ALL women. Only kardashians.

no, I just hate the kardashians and all the selfish things stand for. Think about that for a moment and then tell me if it justifies the media coverage and money they make out of being a family of fucked up, lazy ass, talentless, adult video promoting whores.

Well, I appreciate you for remaining civil in your response and I share your grief about your own problems. Yes I hate the Kardashians and everything those fuckers stand for. There are many things wrong in this world and this "family" of golddiggers is one of them. Do we need more?

God's way of telling us we dont need more stinking Kardashian babies - Klhoe "Cousin It" Kardashian can't get pregnant. Thank you God!!!

You're a DD?? OMG OMG OMG.........how can I worship you and them!!!???

Am I wrong or what? Does a normal person puke in a towel and leave it for someone to clean??? This dumb annoying twat should have kept her gross stories to herself.

Well, I hope you get invited to their house and have to wipe your face with on of her puke towels. You sick fuck - is it normal for you to throw up in a towel? You cant go to the bathroom and puke there like most everyone else? Give me your address, I'll send you a set of puke covered towels from this disgusting

George Stephanopoulus is a douchebag. Same like his naturally disgusting wife Ali Wentworth - who with a smile on Leno last week - tells her story about puking in hotel towels and leaving them in the hall. Does she puke in her towels at home too? Disgusting bitch!!! I'll never use the towels at their house. She's

1. I actually like antique shopping too - so we click on this

Too bad it wasnt Bieber who was offed.

The pride of America responding to a tragedy. I hope they all drink their beer, get drunk and shoot each other dead while arguing over how to cook a pork chop. The country would be a better place without them.

Tyra, call me, I speak 4 languages, have an MBA, a 6 pack, manners and am a hellcat in the sack and I'd love to help you bring this all to fruition!!

Middle Left with her big knockers!!! Yes for sure - F1!!!

Did anyone check Kim Kardashian's ass?

And people called Lana Del Rey bad??

Hahahahahahahaaaaa..................can we do the same with airplanes and arabs?