
At that price you get something that looks and drives like a real speedster, but that you’d be able to mod or just drive the piss out of like the originals were designed to be, without having to worry about harming your $100k+ car. I’d say NP.

yeah i really like the concept of the base turbo 3 cylinder cooper but for 25 grand?? that’s a Honda accord with leather seats money!

Clinton never should have let them in. That was a big mistake on his part.

Which costs more money?

Your dad is cooler than you. 


Why do you hate the poor and their reliance on renewable fuel?

The same Americans you come crying to when Germany starts marching about.

it will be a cold day in hell before I give up my wood burning fireplace.

Eternal wisdom from the ilk that actually encourages David Tracy’s rusty escapades.

The VW PuttPutt

Or being ‘Flame Broiled’.

Take off covers, breaks tabs on said cover, never puts cover back on.  

My luck,this would be the guy I was camping with when the bear attacks.

It would be interesting to see if the neighbor managed the money well enough that he still had any left after a few years. Statistically, there’s a pretty decent chance your Pops could still have the last laugh.

I mean, even if he could’ve made more money by saving and then responsibly investing all the money he had sunk into those tickets...

I found this story oddly poignant.

There is no dream job. The dream is not having to work.

Better: hostess sees them approach through the window, hurriedly slaps ‘No Childrens!’ sign on the wall.  

I believe in most states, you aren’t even allowed to let kids into a business if so much of that business consists of serving alcohol.