You’re kidding right? Already there are some basement dwelling autists at 4-Chan who can drive your Tesla from their gaming chairs.
You’re kidding right? Already there are some basement dwelling autists at 4-Chan who can drive your Tesla from their gaming chairs.
So glad Tesla doesn’t build a clothes dryer.
Let Elon “disrupt.” Don’t worry about laws, or hundreds of years of established commercial custom...
Tesla has been a bait and switch from the beginning... Gaming the federal government for grants, loans and tax-breaks. Promising reasonable priced cars to revolutionize commuting, then only building over-hyped virtue signals for the wealthy.
My doctor told me I wasn’t getting enough pork, put me on daily bacon.
Let’s all learn a little sumpin’ ‘bout a thing called “The Market.”
Shortly before you find her balling your dentist in the back of his Cadillac, and have to pay some hipster with stretched out earlobes to remove your ring finger tatt with a hot laser.
Sucks to be Jeep guy, but he’s going to have to take the hit and price it to sell.
You’l just have to take the hit, and price it to sell.
Don’t settle for a bike that others recommend...
There is a smoking hot redhead with one of these tricked out NISMOS that I see on my daily commute.
Kermit and Pepe are both green frogs... Very Green!
I just tell the truth.
Love the livery.
I know right, hundreds of years of knowledge and tradition, and some millennial, MFA grad gets a gig writing about food and they think the can “disrupt” the food scribe biz by “exploding myths.”
Midgets and Sprites are fun too.
Errybawdy uses the broadband, until they throttle you.
When I see Wade begin to spill those tears, I’m moved to remember that Budweiser, The King Of Beers, is a most excellent way to re-hydrate after a good cry.
You go ahead and eat soap.
All of my contracts specify that I be paid in Dutch Kronors.