
It actually bothers me that I am not bothered by the retribution. Because I know its wrong. It is always wrong. I will not condone what this girl did. But I am not outraged by it either. And that is not a good thing. I have been so jaded by the countless acts of sexual violence towards women and the lack of justice

You know, I struggle with this daily. I'm 52, and live in a beach community, and after a youth spent in the smallest string bikinis possible, for so many years, I made sure I had the tankini/skirt combo going on. Age appropriate, you know? This past summer, the 30 and 40 year-old women I was hanging with on the beach

Wow. As a long time Jezebel reader and I'm shocked at this reaction. I am friends with the queer, feminist, well educated goddess who wrote this TO HER FRIENDS and how dare you portray her in the same light they do the crazy sorority girl emails. This is not ok. All she was doing was trying to make her queer friends

I don't regard it as pedantry in this particular case, since Jezebel's been misinterpreting/ignoring the true meaning of the Immaculate Conception for as far back as I can remember. Commenters (plural) take the time to politely set the record straight but their efforts habitually fall on deaf ears and nothing seems to

The virgin Mary was the immaculate conception in that she was born without original sin, the phrase doesn't mean being knocked up by God. Thus ends my pedantry for the day.

Anecdotal evidence says yes, this is true:

Clearly, Lady Gaga and Adele were doing a bro-down - slamming down some cheap beer, busting each other's chops, watching sports on the wide screen, and comparing whose farts smell raunchiest. What else could a bro-down mean?

This is the kind of science the world needs. Dedication to the search for truth, no more what it takes.

"Oh no, another Australian for Americans to hate because she dares to rap. Move over Iggy."

I recently saw a porn with my kid's dad in it DP-ing some lady. It was quite a shock to say the least. I haven't seen him in several years, so it was a little disconcerting. Also, I had no idea that he would be comfortable with being in a pile with a bunch of hot men and getting that close to other men's cocks. The

A few years back, Janice Dickenson basically said as much — CG made the final call. Not sure about the transparency of that to the contestants. Sounded like Janice was pissed when she found out. *shrug*

That's not how rights work, dumbass. The Constitition and The Bill of Rights applies to everybody under the custody of the US government.

You don't get to say you have laws and rights then turn around and say those laws and rights only apply to people you happen to like, according to flimsy and changing criteria. You

Erm, he is covered by US law as he is in the custody of the US. And if you weren't busy wiping your ass with nation's laws, you'd know that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights does not apply to citizens exclusively.

And considering that people have been "detained" at GITMO for 14+ years with no charge whatsoever,

Because judges always, especially if the opposing party has no issue, grant leaves and extensions. Always. If asking for a leave was a huge thing that no one ever did, I might have a bit less sympathy here, but it's not. Extensions are granted as a matter of course, and the fact that this judge didn't is wrong (if not

Except it makes it still just as difficult for people who suffer from infertility already or are at risk for mood disorder symptoms. Fertility drugs and the pain associated with the collection of eggs are no joke and, for a lot of women, the idea is less than appealing. For me, it's a risk of psychosis and a

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