And tea! Tea with non-dairy milk is usually gross.
And tea! Tea with non-dairy milk is usually gross.
“Marion Nestle, a food studies professor at New York University”
Yes, but dammit, we COOK with it. Let’s see you make all your lovely baked goods, sauces, and mac n cheese dishes without it!
No one likes this but it’s gotta be done.
You’re right. This shit shoulda been handled a long time ago. But it wasn’t. So here we are. I watched snippets here and there and Schiff & Co. seemed to be keeping the story clear for us peasants in the bleachers. While predictably the rightists babbled bullshit.
I would have more sympathy for the viewpoint that the “student” (she’s actually an alumna now) in question was looking for intellectually challenging books if the other Common Read books were actual Man Booker prize winners. But they’re not. We’re talking about stuff like Ready Player One here. The singling-out of…
Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a…
This is where the tried and true “One of the Good Ones” trope comes into play. If you ever encounter a true Tom Robinson, who utterly defies your racial stereotypes, don’t fear, let alone question and potentially reevaluate your beliefs. Instead employ “One of the Good Ones”, and exempt that particular individual from…
I think this is the bigger issue. A lot of media outlets are this bullshit, and have utterly normalised it for many of their readers to the point that it's impossible to ignite any outrage over it.
I’m not alarmed by this news because we all basically knew this without having piles of evidence dumped before us.
Staring at a wall is Jared’s favorite hobby, so this makes perfect sense.
The child is 18 years old and the entire internet is discussing her gynecological visits. I would have died of shame. I can only imagine how much she’s suffering right now, after suffering having that jackass as a father all these years.
Ellen, GWB tried to put an anti-LGBT amendment in the Constitution because he was antsy about not getting a second term and needed to fire up the base. As in, he literally believed you and your wife weren’t entitled to the rights he has, which laid the foundation for Trump to win now.
I joked about adding in some handmaids (since it seemed the natural thing to do since we were there...I’m certain any “creative” or photographer would have the exact same thoughts).
kamikaze mission straight into the side of schmuck mountain
The biggest problem to me is that they don’t all have the hoods up so it looks sloppy as all hell.
“The press conference is being drowned out by Chumbawumba” is just an amazing fucking sentence and I’m sure it will be my final thought before I die and I am hashtag-blessed for that.
Even allowing for the gender double-standard that Wohl articulated which surely exists within the dimmer segment of our society, I still cannot get over that these two dipshits think carrying on an extramarital affair would be career-ending in the era of Trump.
Just sent $50 more to Warren. Hell, yes. This is the best revelation ever: Elizabeth Warren fucks. You are damn straight it fucking slaps.