
Trying to justify it by saying these are “industry-standard established ranges based on experience” is especially fucked-up, given the strength of their resumes. He had one movie screenwriting credit and one “story by” credit prior to Crazy Rich Asians. She’d been writing for television for two decades. It’s a flimsy

Sadly the likelier situation is that none of this even happened, so we’re reading some loser’s loser fantasy.

I wish I was so good at making friends I could afford to weaponize it.  

It’s 100% girlfriend-in-Canada bullshit.

The golden ring of hell.

Oh brother... All the poor VFX artists slaving away in front of their computers from now until November working 22 hour days on the fucking Sonic The Hedgehog movie. It sounds like the lowest ring of hell.

I don’t see how it’s true. Some things, like Thanos’ first death, happen so quickly they’d be over before you have a chance to take a photo. Also, not ONE person sat around him told him to put his phone away, over those three hours?

Also my immediate takeaway. Fuck that guy.

Thats some Count of Monte Cristo shit

So that guy dedicated a year of his life forming a fake friendship in order to get back at the guy who . . . spoiled a movie?

I was gonna say, he got his payback, but the odds of him dying alone and being undiscovered until his neighbors notice the foul odor just doubled.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

how would he even get a photo of the first thanos death? it’s like outta nowhere and its 2 seconds. it’s in and out. this stinks of bullshit. 

And now you’re back to no friends.  You sure showed him....

This is some Cask of Amontillado shit right there.

Perhaps they can form a steak eating club with Brock Turner!

Itll be fun hearing their excuses after he (inevitably) does something similar again, and gets arrested again. Im sure theyll claim they had no idea that he might reoffend.

I am fast coming to the conclusion that it’s not just that women are disregarded and disrespected, I think we are actively hated and this reveals itself through the legal system over and over. 

What the fickity fuckety FUCK, MAN.

And they try to say men don't hate us. And they try to say we have equality now.