What has the 15 year old done to you to deserve to wish her death? You sound as monstrous as the repugs.
What has the 15 year old done to you to deserve to wish her death? You sound as monstrous as the repugs.
I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “thoughts and prayers.”
Hope Claudia doesn’t have a serious case and fully recovers.
The show was pretty good until they ran out of book and none of the top notch actors could save the show.
I hate these two.
You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this utter nonsense.
I mean, she’s practically begging for it.
She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized.
Clearly, the word ‘natural’ has ceased to have any real meaning...
I saw someone on twitter say “You’re not even the boogeywoman of the view”
“I feel like you’re the boogeywoman of the right, and I’m the boogeywoman of the left,” co-host Meghan McCain said...”
McCain: “I feel like you and I are really similar...”
“I feel like you’re the boogeywoman of the right, and I’m the boogeywoman of the left,”
Also, the AOC Rage on the right regularly reaches supernova levels. I rarely see anyone on the left do more than laugh at McCain.
I’m one of those 60% of Americans and damn hearing everyone in the audience gasp like that kinda hurt my feelings lol. I knew it was bad but they just really made me feel worse. Damn!
Not when you’re the poster child of privilege and entitlement. McCain is an heiress who has been handed a career because of her parental connections and not ability. That’s the last thing she wants.
Well, did you know that she’s the daughter of the late John McCain??? Did you?! Just watch the show, she’ll tell you (100x’s).
If AOC is the boogeywoman of the right, it’s because she’s out there actually trying to fight for something better for the whole of society.
McCain described Sanders as promoting the “complete paradigm shift of the American system as we know it.”