I'm Knitting a Sweater

Are you also aware that most late term abortions happen because of medical necessity and not a person suddenly deciding that they don’t want to be pregnant anymore? Situations like they’re going to die if they remain pregnant or the fetus is only going to live a short painful life, if it lives at all.

I’m getting one next week and feeling a combination of excited and terrified.

They’re aren’t supposed to.

This needs to be out of the grays, but I can’t do that. This needs more stars, but I only have one.

If you do buy ladybugs, only release a few at a time. Ants like having the aphids around and if they detect lots of ladybugs invading their space they will activate all the troops to defend. I’m talking ants marching out 100 x 100, grabbing onto the ladybugs’ legs in chains of two or three per leg and pulling them

Reframe the thought that conflict can only be ignored or result in aggression. You can be direct and honest without saying or doing things with the intent of hurting the other person.

I wish. I still see posts from relatives promoting his noxious brand of bull shit.

Figuring out where to go for group lunch too.

That was a general “you. ” I was agreeing with (second person) you about the new kind of “feminists” who do things actively against human rights feminism but think it’s okay because they are women.

OMG “pro-life” “feminists”

So many commercial breaks.

Patrick Swayze is good in Dirty Dancing because of his dancing, not his acting. “Yo, cuz. What’s she doin’ here?” Is an awkward line, but his delivery is so horrible I still cringe every time I watch it.

I have an app that has reminders because like someone else said, I will either ignore my thirst or straight up not notice in the middle of a work day. It’s more to snap me out of focused mode.

My mom gave me one of those for Christmas one year. The battery lasted about 5 days and it can’t hear you/you can’t hear it when it’s between the sofa cushions.

Thinking of your baby and of you and your family as you face this battle.

Maybe you remember it going on forever because they kept it running on Nickelodeon well into the 90's.

:( That’s my neighborhood! I was hoping you were gonna say Ditmars.

Also, where in Astoria are you talking about? I haven’t lived there for a few years, but it’s where I grew up.

Thank you for including the number! It’s rarely included in articles about domestic abuse but it needs to be everywhere.

Because Astoria is the 114th?