I'm Knitting a Sweater

Teddy Roosevelt set aside over 1,000,000 acres of land in Minnesota as the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. This land in largely as close to pristine wilderness as can be found in the United States. On the other side of the border Canada has set aside an adjacent 1,000,000+ acres in Quetico. Tourism to the BWCAW

Does anyone else read this to the tune of “Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?”

Shocked! I’m absolutely flabbergasted!

Not growing up in the US it’s understandable that you haven’t seen them. But they are good movies that nostalgia transforms into great movies, the kind that people like to share with others.

Everyone who reads Rand thinks they can run a company like Dagny when it’s more likely they’re Jim. And if there were any awareness beyond that they’d realize that “thinkers” can do nothing without “movers.”

I looked it up a couple of months ago. Lowe’s isn’t owned by WalMart, they have a kind of symbiotic relationship and will build next to or near each other because their goods are complimentary.

Have the younger people reading this never seen The Goonies or Stand By Me?

You are correct. People who think that are just so frustrating. So, you’re not okay with the person whose crime is being here without the right paperwork, but totally okay with the controlling/manipulative/violent person with anger management issues.

So, when will people stop buying the line that they’re doing this for the safety of the community?

As I was watching last week I was thinking about how The Walking Dead has done a pretty good job at building a diverse ensemble. But now that I’m typing this I also realize many of the leads are British...

It’s the paradox that manual labor is hard work so most Americans don’t want to do it, while the people who are willing to do it are deemed lazy.

Please stop using their line of “defunds Planned Parenthood” it contributes to the misunderstanding of how PP uses the money it receives. We must make it clear, every time Planned Parenthood is mentioned, that the money they get is payment for specific services that have already been performed. Routine healthcare that

You need more stars for this point.

No, he’s counting on his base not remembering, or remembering both, but not have enough critical thinking power to realize the two statements contradict each other.

Maybe that’s a regional thing. Everywhere I’ve lived, even if they were trying to beat the light the person making the turn still has to yield to incoming traffic. If the oncoming car ran the light then it’s likely the person making the turn ran the light too so they share fault.

And if the passenger side got hit while she was making a left turn isn’t it likely she’s at fault?

Don’t be silly.

You parallel parked on the right. I parallel parked perfectly on the right because that’s all they test/ teach. Then alternate side parking rolls around...

We hated her. The right wing loves it.

We’re work twins.