I feel like they’re not paying enough attention the other side of this argument. They made a man appear “weak” It’s the same backlash that happens to men who don’t adhere to the cultural standard that they should be strong and domineering.
I feel like they’re not paying enough attention the other side of this argument. They made a man appear “weak” It’s the same backlash that happens to men who don’t adhere to the cultural standard that they should be strong and domineering.
Hebrew Scriptures/ Christian Old Testament. The people asked God for a king. It wasn’t enough that God was their King, they wanted an earthly ruler. So God pretty much said: sure, I’ll give you a king since you want one so much. But it’s gonna be one to make you realize how awesome I am and how much people suck.
I’d just be making my life harder later on in the week because I’d have the same amount of work to do with 8 fewer hours in which to do it. So I’ll go in and do my regular work, but I think I will be “on strike” during meetings. Me being silent while sitting in the room is harder to ignore than if I’m not there.
I heard about it in the closing of a story about A Day Without Immigrants and here and there afterwards, but it’s only in the past few days I’ve seen the alternatives for people who can’t strike, or the rallies and collections in support of them.
I didn’t know about the rally/vigil/drive in my city until about an hour ago. I’ll have to shop tomorrow at Publix in order to bring anything in.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. You take care of yourself and your family, however that looks for you.
Yes. But then I could record all of the conversations in which he “pressures” me to have an abortion and I use them to blackmail him into keeping planned parenthood as an approved Medicare provider. Scare quotes because I don’t think I would have a problem aborting a pregnancy caused by Ryan. But I would have a DNA…
I had a nightmare I was having an affair with Paul Ryan, had his kid. I woke up so confused and ashamed.
“People praise you for it”
I must confess to the same naivety as many other commenters, not knowing much about EDs or any friends who struggling with one. One thing that stuck out in this post was the generally accepted root cause, “self-esteem overly related to body image.”
Only there are plenty of children waiting to be adopted growing up in orphanages while pro-birthers have “their own” children. While simultaneously denying single people and single sex couples the right to adopt.
How do you know so quickly?
Anyone else feel like number 5 was a cover letter for an application to be Nikki’s new publicist?
On what channel will you watch? I’m going with PBS this time in hopes of some substance without added drama. Because really, whatever he says will be dramatic/traumatic enough on its own.
I said the same to my BF over dinner last night. I mean, they’ve gotta see how dangerous he is sooner rather than later, right? And they definitely want to be seen as the heroes for “stopping” him.
Same way my father, with an equally Hispanic name, born in PR, thinks he’s better than the rest of us. It’s a combo of a lot of things, a little self loathing, a little contempt for growing up poor and without power/privilege, getting a few lucky breaks combined with some hard work to end up better off than how you…
The comments here cover what a piece of crap this guy is.
I live within walking distance of one of Rubio’s offices. It’s in a private building and they have LOCKED DOWN the lobby within the past two weeks. Apparently there’s a fair amount of protests happening during the day. But he’s never here...
I was at a flea market in rural Florida, because of course Florida, that had a sickening amount of confederate and nazi paraphernalia. I was surprised at first, then realized I shouldn’t be, because rural Florida. A lot of times I was looking at something cool in a display but then there’d be some hateful object next…