I'm Knitting a Sweater

*as long as you take them off and put them back on the next day. Or at least take your sneakers off. If they stay on your feet, in sneakers, for a 30 hour road trip because you’re too tired to have to put them back on again and you think “it’s okay, I’m wearing freshly washed wool socks” when you get home and finally

Orange, Hillsboro, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade are okay. Coincidentally that’s where all the New Yorkers go when we inevitably move down here.

What’s helpful is that once you donate to PP you start getting solicitation mail from SPLC, Emily’s list and other progressive organizations.

Political opinions are hereditary to a certain extent. So I agree.

I have a jar of tahini I rotate, but some days I want to take it to a paint shop so they can mix it back up.

I think with a rich budget the person was able to pay for their car in full, so no payment. They or their parents paid for college, so no loan. Can’t explain the no cable.

I’m at the Javits center, the mood has definitely shifted.

P Murphy was a horrible candidate though. I mean I voted for him, but it was a vote against Rubio type. I doubt his attendance record would be better than Rubio’s.

Not all of the people! My county went blue.

An exclamation point on your comment when you look at the Clinton/Trump vote spread in Florida, then see how many voted for Johnson or Stein.


He is a sentimental man.

You’re welcome. Don’t have Morton’s toe, but my pinky toes are abnormally shorter than the rest, the extra fabric hasn’t been an issue there.

My guide has always been friendship is possible as long as the ex is respectful of any current relationship. When current boyfriend and I started dating I was still friends with two exes. So when we talked about it I told him them and that the same applies for him, I have no problem with him being friends with his

Yeah, that one still wants him. The only time I’ve encountered people who INSIST in meeting/befriending the current SO is when they want to compare why object of affection of with SO and not them.

“My husband and I still talk to her, sometimes it’s fine!”

Accordingto my stepmother it started when Obama became president. “Everything was fine between blacks and whites before [he] came along.”

What is Septa? Can you elaborate on this? Where do they run? Who do they serve?

This is true of anyone who’s had multiple elective surgeries.

Or you hang it up to dry when it’s not in use and wash it often.

Or you hang it up to dry when it’s not in use and wash it often.