I'm Knitting a Sweater

There is absolutely no ducking* point to a wooden “bath mat.” it is totally non-functional and looks stupid if there’s no wood anywhere else in your bathroom.

There is absolutely no ducking* point to a wooden “bath mat.” it is totally non-functional and looks stupid if

Same! I add a loop around the band of my sports bra too.

Some of the silhouettes are very flattering, it’s just the freakin’ logo that kills it.

Yeah this isn’t getting better if she wins. Remember things were “fine” between Blacks and Whites before Obama came along. All of race stuff is “his fault.”

This morning it was something akin to faith, but now I’ve caved and read the article and it is outright disagreement with the arguments as they are presented.

Not even gonna read the link. Just no.

Why isn’t there an ad describing how government works? Just a friendly reminder of who’s in the branches and what they do.

They’ve been indoctrinated from a very young age to believe in something when there is no proof. This blind belief is called faith and they are told it will bring vast rewards upon them in an afterlife about which we know nothing. They are taught that wavering faith is the enemy trying to destroy their relationship

I like this because at least this guy is in prison. There’s no way they would pass up the chance to claim persecution.

It was in the past month, mostly on Twitter, Canadianssaying how the USA is already great, doesn’t need to be great “again.” it was part you-don’t-have-to-vote-for-the-orange-guy and part there’s no-need-for-you-to-come-here-if-he-does-win.

That’s exactly what the “America is already great” reminder campaign was all about. They saw the rising number of searches for immigration to Canada and were trying to figure out how they can convince us to stay away.

Yeah, but as long as it’s not out there they can claim otherwise.

The only thing that “speaks for us” is our mouths. If I didn’t say “please touch my ( wherever you want to be touched)” or “I like it when you squeeze me (wherever you like to be squeezed)” then NO,I did NOT ‘ask for it.’ 

I’m usually more worried about getting some random poisonous insect bite somewhere around my nether-regions. One you’ve had a mosquito bite on your labia peeing in the woods is never the same.

He didn’t mock her *because* of her Thai ancestry, he mocked her because she had a fantastic well thought out answer that everyone in the room knew to be the truth because she’s a decorated service member who is the daughter of a decorated service member.

Signature match. It is very difficult to fake someone else’s signature under pressure of a witness. Handwriting is habit based and, for most people, is difficult to change without practice. Not worth one vote.

Are there any NYC Jezzies getting together election night?

Whenever people bring up CK and his kneeling at the anthem I ask them what they think of the Boston Tea Party. Invariably someone defends the tea party and fails to see the similarities of protesting something you know to be unjust and the differences between a peaceful protest and outright destruction of someone