Of course he’s a “nice guy.” That word is so horrid.
Of course he’s a “nice guy.” That word is so horrid.
But he chose to lock her outside on his balcony. I assume he has a front door he could’ve locked her out of.
Yeah, abusers like to use the excuse that they “lost their temper” but are very selective about where and when it’s “lost.”
The look when he sees the camera and realizes he can still be seen.
And assaults and harassment from strangers in the street. And lots of being put in your place at work. It feels like it’s happening already.
I understand the mass incarceration problem, but the solution isn’t loopholes to mandatory minimums, it’s to get rid of the laws that target minority men in the first place.
Infrastructure built for short people. If my counters were just a few inches taller my shoulders would feel so much better.
Why is everyone more concerned about the well being of the criminal than the victim.
The legitimately held beliefs that aren’t rooted in bigotry are the ones their candidate is particularly energized about. He uses those beliefs as a mask to make truly conservative voters feel comfortable about backing him despite his past behavior being contrary to those beliefs.
That’s more like it.
Is this televised? As horrible as the debates have been, there’s a part of me* that needs to see this.
Depends on the gender of the gropee.
It’s pretty well known he doesn’t drink at all.
Yes, the ability to be racist, homophobic and/or islamaphobic assholes are certainly core beliefs. But I don’t think legitimate (to them) equals actual legitimacy.
You comment is burried way down deep in a few threads, which is stopping more people from seeing it. But it’s a strong summation of how/why many of us are comfortable supporting Hillary through all this muck.
I person under the influence can’t give consent.
So, you were right to hold on to hope last time. What are you thinking now?
Because Barack knew EXACTLY what he was doing.
Did the associates get rewards? I worked at Bloomindale’s and I got a few really awesome bonuses for calling LP, them catching the person and getting a guilty verdict.