I'm Knitting a Sweater

I’ve worked retail and as other people said, they have to wait until you’ve passed the last point of sale, otherwise it’s not shoplifting. They don’t know if you’re gonna pay or or put it down, there’s no case until you’ve stolen. If someone’s a thief you want them to go through with it because then you can prosecute

This would be a perfect Lysistrata moment for her.

Oh, you’re good. That was everything it needed to be.

Off topic vent- co-worker found out the fetus in his wife’s uterus will be a boy and wrote an e-mail to the department. I replied with something private, that would’ve been the same if she was carrying a girl. But there were a number of reply-alls that made it clear they thought boy was the preferable outcome. One in

Yes. They have to pass the last possible point of sale. I use canvas bags for bringing things home after (mostly grocery) shopping and regularly use them in-store instead of the baskets. But I make it obvious that they’re emptied out at the cashier because I’m terrified of being accused of shop lifting.

I thought you were trolling us a-la “he” and “she” did a “thing” because with where the play button fell on that guy’s face I was sitting here thinking, but that’s Zach Effron.

Can anyone please explain what’s what’s wrong with having a private and a public stance on policies. Isn’t that what most people consider “professional?”

But his lifestyle is cheating on his wives, stealing from the poor (declaring bankruptcy to evade paying contacts in full) and threatening to weaken the first amendment, you know, the one that includes religion alongside a free press.

Neither does Orlando. But we also don’t have any Trump buildings so that’s a plus. Rubio has an office here but security is tight since the sit in a few months ago.

What the fuck does he stand for if not his lifestyle?

The only problem is that Rick Scott is a much stronger contender in the Voldy look-a-like competition.

Do you participate in polls when you’re called? I get called often and my tinfoil hat pops on and I get worried about tracking and who’s funding what. I always ask who is sponsoring the poll and if they won’t tell me, I won’t answer.

Wait, the libertarian is anti-choice?! WTF? What’s the reasoning there?

But it’s also the look. That’s the what-did-you-do? look, not I’m-so-glad-you’re-back.

My boyfriend was adopted and someone used the same argument with me. I countered that maybe then if be with someone even better or if not I wouldn’t know the difference.

There were two women soliciting signatures for a petition to “make abortion illegal” as I was leaving work today. Since I work at a church they probably figured they’d rack up a bunch of points as people were heading home.

What was the picture? It’s been taken down!

So, when younger I was in this medical program for minority kids. One year they gave each of us a copy of Dr. Carson’s book “Think Big” to say “look you Black and Latino students, you can be doctors, just like him, don’t be discouraged.”

Yet, those posts can be seen by all while we’re greyed out.

My boyfriend wants to can and all I can think of is botulism.