I’m so glad this turned out this way.
I’m so glad this turned out this way.
Okay, I made a mistake in reading your comment, the thoughts look related. You’ve made a mistake in reading mine, there’s no need to tell me to chill.
I read it last week. She even writes with grace, constantly acknowledging the support she has received through all the struggles and the criticism. She’s absolutely fantastic.
I think they do that because watching people circle blocks 5 times makes for bad TV. NYC, which also has horrible driving and parking conditions and extensive public transportation systems, is not the cause of that.
I’ll take rabbit uterus over duck vagina any day. Duck penises have evolved into incredibly frightening things trying to overcome the labyrinthine duck vagina. I wouldn’t want human versions anywhere near me.
Rep. Cummings is a valuable ally. More people need to watch this, it would be great if they actually listen.
“Anyone who wants it” means you’re pro-choice.
That’s not big? Makes me glad I didn’t encounter spiders while I was in NM. Although I was on guard for scorpions, do you have scorpion stories?
Try reheating your pizza in a frying pan on low. It takes a while, but it’s so worth it.
The news said that this is a very small, tight knit community. I’m So sorry for what you all are going through. I lost a family member in a mass shooting a decade ago; I feel your pain and frustration at these continued attacks.
Explaining how a policy is meant to work from a practical standpoint is usually what presidential candidates have to do; the fact that Trump hides or sidesteps whenever he is pressed on that front is indicative of his, yes, unseriousness as a candidate, even if it probably behooves us to take him as deadly serious as…
Ehh, she paid them back with interest after she realized she couldn’t keep up her end of the deal. If she had tried to keep it up, she might not have had the chances that got her where she is today. This is not Kim Davis style not doing my job and still getting paid.
All this stuff for men’s sexual health is covered, but women who have sex and same sex relations are evil. Who are men supposed to be having sex with?
How is that different from any other iced coffee drink?
They are soft and sweet. Leave the pumpkin donuts alone! Also, they didn't have any toasted coconut so I was sad.
I’ve been to that one before and not gotten the clarification. My theory is actually that this cashier has encountered customers like the one in the original story that had no idea there was coffee in a mocha she was trying to cover her bases.
The barista answered that yes, Starbucks mochas—in fact ALL mochas—come with coffee in them. But if she doesn’t like coffee, he would be happy to make her a hot chocolate instead.
Florida beaches are too. They just had a case of “I’m special, rules are for other people.”
49¢ at Coconuts for the cassette single. Yes!