Yours is nice. If I were dating someone with a mole like that it would be my go-to other place to kiss their face. BF has one above his eyebrow, I don't know why I make targets out of moles.
Yours is nice. If I were dating someone with a mole like that it would be my go-to other place to kiss their face. BF has one above his eyebrow, I don't know why I make targets out of moles.
Add the few minutes before this moment.
I've lived in Florida for 6 years and have yet to be called, but have been called in NYC twice in that time. Despite telling them I'm longer a resident. I fear getting arrested or fined for not reporting.
Okay, I know this is now an old post, but why is sundown so late in Detroit? Should they be in a different time zone?
What about the people who want to adopt but can't navigate through all the red tape. Or for whom the process is prohibitively expensive?
How about you don’t post the location of a shelter for abused women on the internet?
He should get with Susan Lucci.
I’m in the grays, so this won’t bring you out.
Two months later... Yes Kyle Chandler, but not Coach Taylor, Gary whatever his last name was who got the newspaper a day early. Perfect crush. And then when he was on the bomb squad in Grey's, I swooned. Then cried.
Love your name. You asked for things to read or watch, but have you danced recently?
We have that in common! Thanks, I am grateful to Macy’s Inc for their generous clearance prices and employee discount, when I had it. Only thing I miss about retail.
Inspired by Erin’s post earlier in the week: How do I accessorize either of these dresses? Setting wedding late November, Florida beach.
Bummer, I started to use it after a while, it's helpful, once you remember it's there.
This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the “Black Lives Matter” crowd and encourages victimhood.
If the school doesn’t care that it’s a clock, they’ll have to check their premise and give up the A=A argument.
Not for no reason, they do it for the attention. My friends and family who were downtown that day either didn’t remember it or didn’t like talking about it when he first made the claim. Definitely not voluntarily.
But they see their way as the truth, actually The Truth. They are believers and as such it is their duty to evangelize and disciple everybody they can. You [we] are wrong, depraved because the bible says that it is the right way. They either really want to “save” you, or are afraid that the vengeful god will punish…
But they choose to see birth control as an abortion rather than something different that can prevent the need to seek an abortion. And forget about birth control, they think if you’re poor, or unmarried or just don’t want to have kids then you shouldn't have sex. And what they think is the only right way and everyone…
Like a lot of these guys, he’s used to thinking he’s the standard person.
Seriously. I ended up married and didn’t find out until having the courage to divorce the abusive asshole that NO ONE in my immediate family saw red flags and didn’t approve. They were “afraid to hurt me.”