I'm Knitting a Sweater

Yes, it’s much safer to let them rape you. No fear of body fluids there.


Yes. And you can say the same thing about college.

Ice frozen water. It’s the one thing they can’t expect you to be able to keep multiple days out there so they sell it.

Don’t care about KP either way, but I’m pretty sick of people who have no idea what the burner community is going to Burning Man cause it’s become some cool thing to do rather than knowing the spirit of the celebration.

Only sexual partners aren’t food or water, they are people with emotions, desires, and above all else, control over their own bodies. If your partner isn’t in the mood you have no right to force them to be or to expect them to participate without enjoyment. That’s the point of this article. Help your partner want to

The person who is the right partner for you will understand these things, either coming into the relationship knowing them or learning them by being with you.

Retail. My guess is that it’s six months because of the high turnover rate. High turnover because you are correct, it sucks.

I love this, but I also hope that there's a very thorough screening in the hiring process and that the movers are held by a confidentiality agreement for these moves.

“I am pro-life so I will deny abortions to a woman who’s experiencing complications with her pregnancy to show you how pro-life I am even if she dies from it.” :/

I’m glad you had someplace to go before your insurance kicked in. But 1 month? That’s the shortest waiting period I’ve heard of for a place that actually offers insurance. I had to wait 6 at Macy’s/Bloomingdale’s and I thou the 3 months at my current job was amazing. The bf just got offered a new job and he’lol have


I hope you're right too.

Everybody: Please STOP dropping mics! They are delicate.

This show freaks me out. The women barely ever speak; I’m always afraid that there’s a josh duggar among them and I fear for them.

I had this conversation at work the other day, and brought up that people working a lunch shift at McDonald’s work way harder than we do considering we were able to sit around having this conversation.

That’s so awesome! I see 10, 11, Adipose and T.A.R.D.I.S. Are your pinkies 12 or a ghost?

It isn't irrational.

And how will this wall run through the BWCAW (Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness) between Minnesota and Canada? Is he building this wall in the water? Through the 1,090,000 acre wilderness preserve disrupting wildlife and the economy of the BW towns? Or will he just skip over the waters proving that this has no

You cannot lump Celine in with Bieber a nickleback. She can actually sing and puts on a damn good show.