I'm Knitting a Sweater

If Old School Pizza still exists in Olympia, it’s very similar to Two Boots Pizza of New York.

Earlier this year my uncle died. At the wake during the prayer service my cousin, his daughter, asked me to sit with her. I comforted her/let her squeeze the feeling from my hand. When it was over other cousin2’s daughter, Erica, 9 years old, comes over to me and says “I’m knitting a sweater, did you cry? Because your

Treehouse Masters is fantastic.

The problem stems from people at 17 not being taught what rape is and thinking that yes after saying no multiple times or never saying no is giving consent. Let's teach everyone what consent looks like so we don't continue to have this problem.

Star for saying original cast recording and not soundtrack.

WTF?! Have you never heard of Tainos living on the island of Boriquen? Do you know what a hurricane is?

Interface. audio video interface.

I’m with you and your friend, I’ve been the one to go on to just not cause a problem. You say it sucks that men aren’t just wired to back off when you hear the word no. But it isn’t some biological wiring, it’s a learned behavior that men can get their way if they try hard enough. But it isn’t just men. Women have


For those without memaws, what does the other hand do while one is wishing?

I don’t know about least harmful. Given his repressed sexual upbringing he probably does not practice safer sex because he was never taught better and that would be against god’s plan for sexual union. It's surprising which rules people abide and those they ignore. If he doesn't that means he put his wife in danger,

so much rage about josh duggar. He doesn’t deserve for his name to be capitalized because he’s barely human. Fucking scum piece of shit.

And they make 11s & 12s! It’s damn near impossible to find a store that carries them, but they make them.

And yet, the “illegal Mexicans” are the rapists. When a white guy does it, he’s just being assertive, after all, rich white guys know best.

There’s also the married one who started sending suggestive texts, was turned down, then continued to harass - but the intern is to blame.

You have to fight for every inch, and fight to keep every inch you’ve gained.

Ah, the problem is I didn’t understand the Starbucks system until reading your post. I was thinking about how other companies do theirs.

I am not defending this guy- he’s an ass. Why doesn’t Starbucks ask for an ID? It’s not too much to ask in return for a free anything. People who would be bothered by that are asshats.

Orlando barely counts as Florida.

At US: