I'm Knitting a Sweater

Starred because you acknowledge Governor Voldemort.

I was 19. Man masturbated while staring at me on the M15 uptown. I noticed that something was -off, but didn’t want to stare; he was Hasidic and I didn’t want to seem like I was just staring because of his appearance so concentrated on the conversation I was having with my ex- boyfriend. It wasn’t until he was done,

Yes. But at no point do you hear autotune kick in. The mix had a lot of reverb, but it was also a very live room and she was choking up on the mic.

My father, who has become some chain mail forwarding, born again Christian, Republican birther complains about having to pay for other people's kids... Blah blah b^||$h:+... shops at Walmart because of the low prices, doesn't understand how that contributes to the problem, and tells me that boycotting them isn't going

I once witnessed my neighbors performing an “exorcism.” I heard screaming and chanting in the air shaft (dumbbell building) then I looked out the window and saw what was happening, boy pinned down on sofa so I called 911 to report it. It was difficult to get the operator to understand that it wasn’t a prank and that


Was it after the question specifically about his position on Iran? Because, did you see his face after that question?! He looked down and stammered like he got caught with each hand in a cookie jar, with a brownie in his mouth. It was wonderful. I watched it 3 times. Someone needs to make a .gif of that.

A large difference is that you get to choose where your money goes. You choose to live below your means so that you can take vacations, even if they are modest ones, and can afford to splurge for a big one. It's much safer to feel the scarcity of money when you are stable than to feel like like can afford anything you

Are you really implying that the insult that she’s a horrible driver, from someone who’s never seen her drive, that could’ve taken away an assignment opportunity, was friendly?

I work as an entertainment tech, in a supervisor role, there’s one guy equal to me, who heads a different part of the crew, and I’m the only woman in the department. My boss tells me that I’m being too aggressive when I’m assigning tasks to my team even though I say “[Male crew member] can you please take this [piece

I (a white person) have gotten pulled over twice in my entire life. Both times my (black) ex husband was the passenger.

She knows that. Makes her even more badass.

I am the equivalent to your partner within my relationship. Boyfriend will call attention to me being quiet or withdrawn. There have been times I was unaware that I was upset and other times when I was aware but trying to A) figure out the root of what was bothering me B) come up with the right words to express what

It's everywhere! "Oh! I haven't seen you in such a long time! Let's catch up! Let's find the narrowest section of this high traffic area to block and talk about ourselves for 15 minutes! You went on vacation for a week?! I went for two! Ugh, all these people! They keep bumping into me! What's you damage, Heather?!"

If this bill isn't about discrimination then what is it about. I can't see any reason other that.

How is it that her apartment is not rent stabilized anymore?

Okay, I misunderstood your first statement and I was wondering why you had both an IUD and Implanon.

My bf would have no pants.

Replacement cards are free but you are limited to 10 in your lifetime. I'm Not sure if a reissue if/ when you change your name counts against that.

Oh no. That's just not right.