I'm Knitting a Sweater

Hmm. When I first made the switch there was a very specific warning not to use the cup if you had an IUD. Somebody explained that it's a suction thing. But I just bought a new cup and the instructions now say "The DivaCup and IUDs: All women are different so be informed about your particular IUD's benefits and risks

Nope, that doesn't seem like a right fit for me. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions though!

So jealous of you right now. What type?


Tampons are evil wads of smelly torture inducing cotton.

since people tend to continue doing things that benefit them, you must be getting something out of this. What is it?

How did he think it got burnt in a swirling pattern?

I'm sorry for your loss. Simultaneously glad that the time you to spent together was good and as you say, worth it. You gave her much more than a year, you gave her and yourself happiness.

This is sad because she started out acting in a Brooklyn based acting group called FACES that did (does?) a lot concerning abusive relationships. They would do workshops in schools and businesses across the city. The skits showed a lot of people the reality of domestic violence, gave victims the courage and resources

My boss NEVER gets to the point. NEVER. He fully admits it. But he still doesn't get cut off as often as I do when I'm actually making a point. So no.

I've started alternating between, "that's an excellent point (male boss/co-worker/employee), why didn't I think of that?" and flat-out "that's what I JUST SAID." And I highlight the positions because it's not just the boss or the guys organizationaly equal to me, it's also the two guys who were just starting

Once a week we host a breakfast at work, the majority of attendees are homeless, many battling mental illness and/or addiction. I used to make eye contact, be polite and let our guests feel comfortable, treat them as I would any other human beings. There were a few occasions where this was interpreted as me being

Thank you.

We are in 100% agreement on this one.

My job (at a conservative Christian church) requires me to work weddings pretty often and I'm sometimes shocked by the body language of the couples. I'm sitting there thinking " do they even like, or KNOW each other?"

A camping forum had a thread on wool socks and someone posted that Point6 was started by the same people who founded SmartWool. They sold SmartWool then started a new company after their non-compete ended. So they have a lot of the same features, but incorporate some new ideas too.

Merino wool is naturally anti-microbial so you can wear them more than once before you have to wash them. The washing/drying process is what ages fabrics the most.

Wow, that's a fun layer that you've got to deal with. But it's great that there are other members of your team who are considerate.

Yes for continuing to talk! You said it's usu one guy who does it, does he ALWAYS do it? I have a coworker who often cuts me off during meetings but if we are are just having social conversations he doesn't and will even defer to me if we start talking at the same time. So frustrating.

Pretty much. The case of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland comes to mind but I'm sure there are many more. It's especially infuriating because they claim sanctity of life, but the if the woman dies, the fetus isn't going to live anyway. Why not save the life that's possible?