I'm Knitting a Sweater

While working an event I heard the speaker say, "because my time is limited, I must limit what I do with my time." She had the audience repeat it with her so it stuck. It pops into my head when I'm procrastinating. I think, "is this really what I want to do right now? Does this help me become who I want to be?"

Proofreading, gets me every time.

It is hysterical that the person who posts under "SoMuchStupid" is complaining about using people using indicators before they change lanes.

This piece tugs at heart strings. I always wanted to take ballet but was never allowed to. On Mondays my friends would show me things they learned in class over the weekend and I would try to show my mom I had potential, but to no avail. It's still a dream.

That's the only thing on this list that I do have! I don't think that happened until after my 30th birthday though, so does that count?

Can we be friends?

In a lot of towns the water is pretty damn gross. Maybe you're on to something.

I grew up in the NYC public school system, there were plenty of years that ended on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. That's not a big deal.

I love/am incredibly scared of the reactions to this. Have that many people never seen optical illusions before?

You can wear the guard during the day if you're job doesn't require a lot of talking. Also, once you wear it at night for a while your jaw will shift and it'll be uncomfortable to clench, you have to think about it a lot more.

Any more info about this Domestic Violence Prevention 5k?

Seriously. People who have never been to NY love to talk about where they were that morning and everybody goes around the room telling their stories. Every year, me: I don't want to talk about it. Please let's change the subject.

My demographic as a WOC. Yes, yes WE do know that. It seems that YOU (personal you) don't. Isn't that some shit?!

It's not "trickle down feminism" when she says "there has to come a time when feminists of every race, creed, and sexuality stop sniping at each other in the crowd and collectively shift our gaze to the goal."

I did this, and still kind of do. I have 2 Care Bears, a magic nursery bear, and a small stuffed Big Bird that moved with me. Three of them live in a hat box while one sits on my dresser, on rotation . I apologize to the one going back into the box and the two staying inside, tell them I still love them, then look

What about people who love manatees?

This bill made zero sense until your comment. He's seeing the writing on the wall, that marriage equality will happen soon (yay!) But since syphilis is on the rise almost exclusively with gay and bisexual men, this seems to be a round about way of denying licenses to them.

Exactly. In addition, why is keeping people on life support when that's the ONLY thing keeping somebody alive not playing God, but letting them die peacefully is? That seems backwards.

Pour some of the fat out, but there's no need to wipe with a paper towel. Bacon out, some fat out, eggs in. As long as your cast iron is well seasoned , they should be awesome.

Regarding her delivery: at times it also seemed like they needed to speed the TelePrompTer up a bit. She had finished sentences and was waiting for the next one to be visible.