Somebody else already said it but: damn body dysmorphia.
Somebody else already said it but: damn body dysmorphia.
Exactly! What's wrong with these doctors? She's getting set up for so many health problems down the line. She'll be in casts for so long- muscle atrophy. Her legs will be 8" longer, she'll have to learn to walk again. With those atrophied muscles. Her body will be incredibly disproportionate, center of gravity no…
I'm the opposite, 6 feet, have an extra vertebrae, so while my legs are pretty long my torso is very long. It makes shirts and dresses very difficult because the waists hit 2-3" above mine.
Cristina had an abortion scheduled. That's where the "you're my person" thing started, Meredith was her emergency contact and was going to be with her, drive her home, stay with her. The week before her appointment she passed out while observing a surgery, it was ectopic. She lost an ovary.
Cristina had an abortion scheduled. That's where the "you're my person" thing started, Meredith was her emergency contact and was going to be with her, drive her home, stay with her. The week before her appointment she passed out while observing a surgery, it was ectopic. She lost an ovary.
2 of their 4 "references" are their own website. (!) That's like people confirming the Bible as a a Holy Book, because the Bible says so.
Thank you. You eat your food, I'll eat mine.
Part of it is that society paints the picture that it's the norm we're competition - every other woman is trying to steal my man (using hetero normative language because it seems that's the root).
Earlier this century I woke up straddling and making out with then bf. It was happening in a dream then my eyes opened and I realized it was actually happening. Continued for a few seconds then was aware enough to say,
You can truly be good without god.
The third is the one that is the most literal sense of the word. Again, wasn't disagreeing with your comment, surprised at the narrowed definition that you were shown. Limiting it to national borders makes it a much weaker word. More specific isn't always better.
A healthy persecution complex seems to be an integral part of being a Christian.
Xeno means strange so xenophobia is the fear of things that are strange/ foreign/ new to you. The definition you posted surprises me in its limits.
It's worth the purchase if you don't already have it (shame on you) and the time. I now alternate watching with/ without commentary to see what new things I can pick out.
No, it's Timbs, just like limbs.
You can't stop... The signal?
Whoever's doing the trying on knows what they feel good in and that's usually the thing that look good too.
Oh the things people do in fitting rooms. The rooms at the Bloomingdale's where I worked had slatted doors that we, associates (and anybody else walking by) could see into, but the person trying on could not see out of. In each room there was a sign saying that we could see in and that the rooms were monitored by…
This baby cannot complete with the unrealistic standards created by the American Sniper baby.
All the Publix by me have white semi-transparent plastic for the "inappropriate" magazine covers. The whole premise drives me crazy, but it's especially infuriating because I can't tell how they decide which covers get hidden. Cleavage? Side boob? Total percentage of exposed skin? Do they have a committe of men who…