Ivy Deen

Isn't it funny and ironic! Both would vote for Donald Trump. There are sooooo many blacks that are for Donald Trump it is not even remotely amusing. I just look at them wide-eye as in "oh my".

Newsflash! Blacks are even racist against other blacks (light versus dark - straight hair versus kinky) - so let's debunk the notion that blacks are somehow exempt from the sin. And how about this - they even practice institutional racism against each other - the brown bag test: if you are darker than a brown paper

Omgosh Yezzzzz - why did they make someone who is supposedly out for justice sooooo very creepy that he is almost sleazy.

Not oppress, but you would think after standing on a soapbox for racial justice they'd be first in line to be as equally sensitive to the plight of other minorities.

So disappointed with last night's episode. I lost all hope for this really turning out to be a riveting season as was the case in Season 1. Everything last night seemed tamped down and somewhat disjointed. It left me with a feeling of dissatisfaction. I agree with the B- grade and am not sure it earned even that -

"…he let Eric take the brunt of it…" Maybe that is the real reason Eric calls him a little bitch. But Taylor saying, "I lied. I messed up." I don't know if not saying something is lying - it is omitting something, but I think there is something Taylor said - something he actually told the untruth about and I think

I think most people in our society have evolved, but let's not kid ourselves, it really wasn't all that long ago that people coming out were met with vitriol in most communities….especially in some ethnic communities and religious-based communities. Our society as a whole has evolved, BUT I still hear teenagers and

Also every scene Kevin has done with a girl portrays him, in my opinion to be damn near a sexual predator. He put his hand all over that girl he was dancing with without her permission. What gives him the right to think he could touch her like that???? Every girl has had to make him back off her. He's been on my

Excellent commentary @salonkitty. Taylor never actually said "who" raped him. When the police discovered the texts to Eric, they leapt to conclusions and it was brilliant writing because such strong suggestion easily led viewers to assume it was a "date rape" and with Eric's suicide attempt it was more suggestion

Yes, I hear you and I agree that we must own the consequences of our decisions and choices. It's tv so it is fictional, but I think AC is telling a powerful story that has elements of reality.

It's tv and so we have to take it as it is. It's a great show and all the more better if we can learn something in the process.

Yes, I do see your point. Yes, Taylor went to the school with the intent to do harm. Only those watching this play out on t.v. knows that he was trying to leave when that unfortunate moment happened….., but he's only 17 and while that doesn't excuse what he did, it does explain why he may not have had a handle on

Well, no matter how elite a school may be, there is always a resident drug dealer…..and all the kids know exactly who it is. That's a fact.

Yes, if I were a prosecutor, I would definitely argue along those lines. I don't think the backdrop of what landed him on the doorsteps of Leyland with a gun in his pocket can be disregarded or dismissed in a trial. Without those events, there would be no story. Of course, the prosecutor is going to vilify Taylor.

Yes, you are right. I do recall a very angry Eric describing his sexual encounter with Taylor. What we know of the facts are not clear. We are especially not clear on the timeline and sequence of events that took place at the party. Clearly, some of the revelations have challenged our early assumptions about the

The case wasn't closed - the female officer told Terry that they were not going to pursue anything further at that time barring anything else coming up (with Taylor killing Wes, I would say that has happened). Terry was very indignant that this was going to be left hanging over Kevin's head as he pursues college

Good points - but who could not find some compassion for a kid who wanted to be accepted. He thought acceptance was being extended. Here's this guy who he is attracted to who has invited him to a party that otherwise he would have never been invited to. In his mind, things are looking up, his life will improve

I think ALL the parents love their children on this show (with the exception of Eric's mother - God help that woman!), the problem is that love is not enough. People should be legally certified as capable of parenting prior to being allow to bring humans into this world - me included. We'd have a lot less screwed up

Because Wes was not an innocent teen. He along with others had assaulted Taylor - that is a crime. And last I heard, rape is a crime even if it is done to a boy and certainly the statue of limitations have not run out in that case. The lawyer should be seeking the evidence - follow the trail - see where it leads.

Right! My point exactly. I do think they are in an up-hill fight.