Ivy Deen

I agree, but the truth is we don't know that Taylor was given something without his knowledge and consent - the two requirements that would have to be met to prove that he was drugged. We have only his word and no way to corroborate it unless someone else speaks up. Evy can only testify that he was pretty messed up at

No there isn't, but what is left should try to be saved, if possible.

Probably because with a slight turn of events it could've been his son killed, after all Kevin's name was on the list that Taylor has now admitted was a "kill" list.

I agree. From what we see of Kevin, he does pretty much what he wants with no thoughts of appropriateness or consequences - his privileged lifestyle has led him to believe he's entitled - he doesn't have a North Star other than bball.

I agree - myopic yes, confused, lost and incapable definitely, insincere never

I don't think they could ever "prove" Taylor was drugged. I am not even sure Taylor WAS drugged. In an earlier episode, Taylor told Evy to tell the police that, "I got messed up because I got down with a boy". He also told Nate, "I lied. I messed up". We may never know what he meant, but it puts reasonable doubt in

He's depicted as a naturally gifted baller - I don't think he's under a lot of pressure - he's just had bad teaching from parents who seem to care more about his BB skills than they do about his character

No doubt attributed to his privileged mindset that is the sole doing of his parents. I honestly think he was not taught right from wrong

Yes, I need a Prozac now.

Yes, but now we have a homicide added into the mix, any lawyer worth a grain of salt would make them test that kit and Anne needs a new lawyer! I do not think her current lawyer cares enough about Anne or Taylor.

I am convinced that there is something to the Marshall narrative and that when it is revealed it just may rock the season closer. I am seeing similarities in the dynamics between the superintendent and Principal Chris and the dynamics between Leslie Graham and Coach Dan. They've made Marshall a racial powder keg

I must be the only one who HATES the Rick/Michonne storyline - LOL.

Why does Taylor tell Evy to tell the police that "he got messed up because he got down with a boy". In another episode he tells Nate that "I messed up" "I lied". Rape? Maybe not.

Awesome insight SalonKitty

Unless the writers reveal to me a kid who is calculating and manipulative, I probably will never think of Taylor in that way. To me he is a kid seriously hurt, who has had to deal with a lot of pain in his life even before he had to start dealing with his sexuality. It's just him and his mom. He seems a bit lonely

Yes, I can't think of a bad actor on this show, but Connor Jessup is ripping my heart out.

Ok - thank you!

Yes :-)

I hope cable picks it up if ABC does not renew

Does anyone recall the name of the boy who Taylor told Anne was his first sexual encounter???? Was it Wes????!!!