Ivy Deen

I could never get back on track with Person of Interest after they killed Taraji Henson's character

You are not alone. I would like to blame the writing but I believe there are people who are that extreme in their reasoning. I believe if the writers took time to delve into her character that it would reveal someone who, like Taylor's mom, is battling some form of mental health break. 😊 Her response to her son is…

That's the point, no racial stereotype is "positive". There are lots of us who are not athletic at all, many who can't sing or dance - the same as in any other people group. Honestly, it's THAT which Is offensive and it's THAT (notion of positive stereotype) hypocrisy which blacks sometimes fall victim to that ticks…

It really doesn't matter whether we think it was offensive or not - it was a racial stereotype that blacks (and I am black) have long tried to discourage other groups from projecting on us - so individual or no, WE should be the last ones to do it to others. And many, not all, but many in the Asian community were…

AC did not make ABC's early pickup list for renewal next year….

Thank you for that - I too felt lost in translation

Yes on that we can agree! I am one of those 35+ million and this is my individual take on the matter. 😊

I was agreeing with you, actually - you are definitely correct in saying that any unwanted touching, even if it is just on the arm, is a violation. The Marshall narrative failed to clue the audience into the fact that the interaction between Evy and Tre was anything more than a strong flirtation in his part…certainly…

Honestly, it sounds like blacks are schizophrenic sometimes! Sometimes they uphold the right of the individual to think move feel speak and be individualistic when it suits them and at other times they bash the individual for not projecting collectivism and keeping with hive-mindset. What would have happened if a…

I am also a light-skinned black. I grew-up in an interracial family that extends back to both my grandparents who themselves were bi-racial.

Nor did I interpret what you said as such! It would be a ridiculous notion wouldn't it? My point is that a people group that is so often easily offended by the off-colored remarks by others and themselves ready to play that race card on the drop of a dime should themselves think first about whether they are being…

She single-handedly put her daughter behind bars - last night's episode failed on many levels.

"….prejudice gives favor to those who are closest to…" and "…limit the advancement of " "by comparison to….".

So let me try to understand what you are saying:

Was it the amount of Oxy or the combining it with Marijuana?

I think the fault lies in the writing - had we heard the students who came to Principal Chris say that hey Tre was sexually harrassing Evy - then I would have understood the level of anger and the Hispanic community's outcry as a result, but the writers never clearly established the Tre/Evy arc as an assault - Evy…

So if I as a black business owner, I deny employment to someone due to their race or culture, am I not a racist? If as a black landlord, I refuse to rent to Hispanics because they are Hispanic, am I not a racist? How much power is needed for it to be considered racism? Surely, a black business owner has some degree…

That almost feels like giving them a pass - the truth is that the root of all cultures and societies are based in tribalism. There are pecking orders in the tribal system - for some it is based on looks - others wealth, etc. Our tribal mentality is to dominate others - both those outside the tribe and those within. …

I just don't think it was written very well - her instinct would have been to come forward to save her "boys" (i.e., Mateo and the other 2) - the same way the other students came to Principal Chris to complain about them being suspended and Tre not.

I have yet to see a personal prejudice that does not birth prejudice/racist ideologies - that is how we became like we are, because someone oh so subtly birthed those ideas in us. So really we are just playing semantics and wordplay.