Ivy Deen

Wow, you ask a lot of really good/hard questions. Well, we know that Becca's parent's, both coach Dan and mom, were recreational drug users in their day and mom still dabbles. There might not be a need to explore Becca beyond that point.

Wes was one of the names Taylor wrote in the journal - the hit list. If Wes was really such a minor character I doubt that he would have made the list. Taylor wrote: Eric, Kevin, Wes and Ms. Graham.

I didn't remember the cell phone scene, so thanks for pointing that out. I am not sure whether Wes was involved, but from what I've seen of Kevin, I would not at all be surprised if he were. Kevin didn't seem to particularly have a problem with Eric being gay and for some reason, I think if Taylor never said

You nailed it! "….put a human face on violent acts, to show that the people we read about and flippantly judge may just be a human being with problems who's a lot closer to ourselves than the monster we'd like to imagine "

I was definitely relieved that Taylor didn't kill himself (mostly because I've fallen in love with Connor Jessup's portrayal of the character), but so many different angles that could have been played had it occurred. Last season's AC had more than one murder and a really terrible assault.

We never saw the murder in the first season, this is true, but most of us would have never believed that Aubry was a killer (although the guy didn't die) and Carter loved her so much that he took the fall for her. I am not sure I ever believed Carter was a killer. It was never revealed who actually killed Matt, but

He didn't buy the spray paint he stole it :-)

Right, I am wondering that. It seems to me we may have 2 murders on our hands or at least 1 murder and an assault with the attempt to kill. It could be a broken nose, but the way the guy was behaving in the van it makes you wonder if it is more than that.

It's hard not to be bummed out after each episode - the subject matter is very weighty and you just know that although the characters are fictional, there are kids out there who are going through things like this - that is what makes it sad for me. It is tough now for me to imagine how all of this is going to

I wonder the same. Hopefully, Channing Dungey will renew it.

Good point. He is the team captain, along with Eric. Clearly Eric has to work a little harder on his game whereas Kevin appears to be more naturally gifted with skill, which means he would be held in higher regard and all the other guys would naturally want to be in synch with him. Just thinking back to cheerleading

Yep, I understand your point. I don't fault them for WANTING to help their son. I fault them for HOW they are going about it. I don't think they've listened to anyone other than their lawyer and how best to spin it so Kevin's chance at collegiate ball and potentially the pros is kept in tact. Their first call was to

That would be an interesting flip, but when I think back to last season, all the story archs had a bit of an element of surprise, right? Like who would have suspected that Gwen: Matt's wife, mid-west girl next-door from staunchly religious upbringing, was cheating on her husband with multiple men and actually into

Hats off to the writers. The LaCroix's are just as loathsome as the racist family from last season, who had trouble believing their son was a drug dealer. The LaCroix's are totally self-absorbed. Their money has gone to their heads. Terry is cold-hearted and her self-worth and that of her family is wrapped up in

If you watched last season, you will know that not only is it not too far for AC - last season, no one escaped unscathed - it was brutal from beginning to end. I don't think I've ever seen a more vulnerable character than Taylor and so it is easy to assume he is about to commit suicide, but what I think is more

and I feel sorry for the boys - they are all victims

Really tough epi to watch. The casting is brilliant. So hard to see the turmoil in everyone's life. So many unacknowledged issues. All are so very flawed. The only person I have slight sympathy for is the principal of the other HS. At first, I had a hard time connecting that storyline to what's happening with