
*mention that all of these countries still have plenty of rich people*

To be fair, Ike would probably be called a socialist loon today:

Odd to see someone anticipate an argument and try to shut it down before it crops up if it doesn’t jibe with their opinion on a subject.

Well, I do feel the need to make a certain distinction: Actual theft results in an immediate financial loss — the cost to produce and ship the stolen product. Copyright infringement does not incur any immediate cost on the manufacturer/retailer. It is a potential lost sale, whereas actual piracy is even worse than a

See, the problem with your argument is that it cares nothing for anything except labels.

I’m not taking any side on whether piracy should be legal or not; I just want to point out that the argument you present is the crux of the issue. It is very difficult to compare digital goods to physical goods in this regard.

See, that’s the thing: in the case of stealing a physical object, more steps of “money being spent” has gone into the creation and distribution of that physical product. But, in the case of digital piracy, that often isn’t the case; yes, I’m going to agree that digital piracy hurts smaller developers and that reasons

This would be all well and good if consumers had proper digital rights and if DRM didn’t abuse those rights that aren’t properly protected yet.

So you’re saying her boyfriend assaulted her without consent then?

She can just not do sex things and public. Not that difficult. This isn’t Jennifer Lawrence’s nude photos getting hacked - private photos being made public, where she had an expectation of privacy. Sex things in public kinda means you don’t want privacy.

All I’ll say about the Jesse Camp thing, is that Dave Holmes should have won Wanna a Be a VJ. Jesse’s win was total bullshit.

Part of me completely agrees with you - but part of does not. If this was in public, say a resort or hotel - don’t do that in public if you don’t want to get your picture taken. If it on their private property, 100% agree with you. I will also agree that it is in poor taste to publish it.

I love Peter Dinklage. So this better not be some Left Behind shit.

Rugged individualism isn’t about ‘success’ it’s about independence and self-reliance.   There’s nothing selfish about providing for oneself.  

Starfire isn’t black, though. Never been an Earth based race, either. She’s an orange skinned space alien.

“I am shocked—SHOCKED—to find that wiener-rubbing and doll-fondling is going on in here!”

I do realize which is why I thought Patton Oswalt would be perfect for the role.

Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.

This was an interesting question, so I consulted Google and arrived at a 1986 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals decision that cited a section of the US Copyright Act which specifically stated “...Choreography represents a related series of dance movements and patterns organized into a coherent whole.”

Because you have to actually file paperwork for it to count.