
The angsty days of my 20s are long behind me, but Tool always provided a way to channel it into singing at the top of my lungs. Hard to choose the most haunting, but I think it’ll be from Prison Sex.

I bet he can get a lot of reading done in this hellscape.

It bears repeating.

Oh for fuck’s sake. The whole politically correct casting thing is reaching epic levels of bullshit and idiocy. Disprespectful? It’s called acting. The whole point of acting and playing a character is to portray someone else. Pretty soon the diversity nazis will start demanding that actors playing a role have the

Ah, but Aristippas of Cyrene would argue than the only true good is pleasure outweighing pain, and that it is the right of everyone to maximize their own pleasure. By doing so, the net pleasure in the world will also be maximized. So the triathlete is doing the right thing here, it is the restaurant owners who did a

Pang is definitely wrong on this. Kant would agree that if it says all you can eat, then that’s what it should mean. If they mean “All we are willing to serve you” then put it on the sign.

File footage of the event:

Now playing

Makes you consider even more where the hell ‘The Nozzle’ came from, doesn’t it?!

Not to mention that the chores seem terrible for affluent kids, but not all kids. Many kids are given responsibilities of cleaning and homemaking as a part of the family unit.

So basically for the same reason people go to church.

Because I can(????).

These are not Democrats.

This is going to stay Gray and I know it.

*cough cough* *opens trench coat* I got all your shows and movies in bluray quality right here, fresh from the bowels of Pirate Bay (or whatever place pirate downloaders get their leaked movies). You’re not the fuzz are ya? Because you have to tell me if you are! *closes trench coat, and scuttles off to some other

Uh, so she doesn’t get to marry Perseus, one of the better demigods?

I mean, if he cut in line for the last sample, I can at least understand.

It popped out of my mouth that’s what that Mexican would have got called. That white person would have got called that too

What she meant to say is “I want you to be arrested and possibly shot for the crime of *checks notes* standing in my doorway to not get wet. The audacity of these black people!”