
That’s what really gets me about these. All of them are completely unnecessary. This didn’t have to happen.

This is what zero tolerance policies get you.
Furthermore, unless you plan on working for Troma your entire life or you’re Dave Attell, you shouldn’t make those kind of jokes in a retrievable medium using your real name.
I mean, the amazing thing about the internet is that you think your Giving Tree “happy ending” joke

THANK YOU for going back to captioned photos! I love looking at all this excellent cosplay, but it’s a lot more fun when I know who the hell characters are supposed to be!

I mean, her storyline was endlessly fascinating. Farrah’s gone through some shit and she’s come out the other side a worse person for it. One can’t help but keep rooting that she’ll improve, imo.

That reminds me of Tiki Tiki Tembo No Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo.

I had forgotten she existed. I miss those days.

1. Farrah Abraham doesn’t “leave” a void. No one has ever been in a situation that was made worse by her absence.

Flawed methodology, bad conclusions, limited fetal development understanding.... all of those things are fine. Question and critique their methods and rigor, please.

Hopefully. They’re dead. “Ethics” around artifacts that are millennia old and wholly unrelated to modern persons other than geography is patently phony decorum kowtowing to modern governments, not some noble observation of historical and cultural protections.

No, I can’t get behind that. Drivers get paid like waitresses get paid, and I would never still a waitress.

They know exactly what they’re doing. This is the same playbook women like Phyllis Schlaffly and Anita Bryant played by. Trample the rights of other women, then double down on women of color, next play the victim. Feign surprise that the women you’re helping to oppress have “rejected” you.

We are truly through the looking glass. These women are complaining to the people they’ve built their lives on oppressing that those they’ve oppressed haven’t welcomed them in a warm enough embrace. With a straight fucking face.

It gives it an understood uniformity by way of conveying a false structure. A bit like a illusory fountain meant to looks like water pouring from a suspended watering can or putting ornate pillars inside a government building that does not actually use the supports.

What I don’t understand about this and the whole painted-on swimsuit thing is why they bother with the straps and such. Let’s be honest -- these are glorified pasties and a fashion merkin. The rest serves no structural purpose and it certainly doesn’t make it any less revealing.

Well you should also be putting jam on the toast

Leaving some on the counter at room temperature is hardly a lot of effort. And if you’re having plain ass toast I feel bad for you because proper toast with good butter is pretty much good eating defined.

Patriarchy: “We encourage, even require, that women have as many babies as possible.”

Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.

how easy would it be to repeatedly print “contains nuts” or some other warning on the inside of the wrapper? My son has a peanut allergy and it is always in on my mind. Some one else’s suggestion of vegetable dye warnings on the food is good too.

I can respect the hustle as well. If they couldn’t tell the difference between real teen writing and fake teen writing, then did it really matter if she was actually 32?