
If you lived in Saudi Arabia, you’d have a whole month of Ramadan. In India, you’d have five days of Diwali. Those are religious holidays that are celebrated by the majority of the people who live there. You’re free not to celebrate Christmas, but whining about the fact that many people do celebrate it is silly. You

I like to celebrate the Winter Solstice. It just feels deeper and more meaningful than the Christian holiday:)

I’m an atheist and I really like Christmas. I don’t feel guilt about any of it. Sure, it was a Christian holiday but it’s hard to argue that there’s much focus on that anymore, except for a few dunderheads on Fox News bemoaning that we’ve declared a war on Christianity. I choose to use it to spend time with my kids

Supplement != Essential vitamin OR mineral, although it subsumes them.

No. Cancel standard time. :)

Volcanoes are natures alcohol. The cause and/or solution to all of Earths problems.

I live in ABQ. Good riddance.

I worked for over a decade in service, and the only time I ever heard about messing with food was when I was in highschool and the chronic liar said he peed in the soup at Applebees.

Smacks of the city-covered planet of Coruscant, where the rich and important figures stay on the highest levels of the world’s infrastructure, whereas the lower you go in levels, the shadier and more dangerous it gets. Crime, poverty, and going home to rethink your life after peddling death sticks to a Jedi run amok

TV and Film are enjoying a boom period and you’re complaining about torrenting killing jobs? Give me a break. That’s as absurd as claiming Youtube and Facebook are “free” to use, they quite clearly are not. I mean this argument is just so stupid, Youtube and Facebook employee thousands of people and make billions

HAIL Corporate: Pirating content has nothing to do with job creation. NOTHING.

Nah, there’s no pattern.

They torrent other content and complain they can’t get jobs.

lol what are you going on about

I’m not against zombie fiction as a concept. I just find zombies to be roughly on the level of vampires of werewolves in terms of realism. Which is fine. You can make a good story within any of those constructs.

No. The reanimated corpse part is unrealistic regardless. What’s more realistic is the notion that such a virus could spread and infect a large number of people to begin with. Sure, if there’s 10,000 shambling corpses between you and where you need to go, that’s still a pretty big threat (assuming you’re just an

What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump

This episode was not “disheartening.” It was devastating.

One thing about Nathan that I can’t understand is what are they going for with the look of his. To me, he comes of as a late 70's , early 80's smug, know it all with his tinted glasses and dated crappy hair cut. The kind of guy who says things like “Shit, I’ve know that for years” or “That’s what they want you to

Not to mention making Scott Tenorman eat a bowl of chili con padre.