
I sure hope not!

“We forgot that we can sell much of our pre-owned stock of games between now and the holiday shopping season. So we’ll resume the program once we have more money and fewer used games to rent.”

1. i think if there’s anyone in this world you should be allowed to hurt, it’s yourself.

Ya I agree its totally a cop out as the mythology of Dune (well until Leto II has something to say about it) isn’t really a religion so much as an assembled collection of rules. However for myself The Litany Against Fear has had a real effect on my own life so I go with that:

Here’s how you eventually meet a woman to date you, incels:

 It seems less Twitter’s fault than the people who assume verification means endorsement. Me, myself would like to know it’s the real shithead posting his hateful rhetoric so he can’t hide and say it was somebody else.

“President Roosevelt, it’s a bit ironic you want to end the war by going to war with the Axis powers.”

That’s what you sound like.

Here’s the thing. Tolerance isn’t an ideology...it’s a peace treaty. It’s a social contract. We all agree to get along and not treat each other poorly because of race or sexuality or gender, whatever. And if everyone agrees to it, everyone benefits.

This is like the definition of ‘whataboutism’. Dude, I think WORSE of the Trump voter who just did it because Hillary bothered them. Trump showed you exactly who he was from minute one and all of it was both dangerous and literally evil. In what universe was anything Hillary was supposedly responsible for, a lot of it

The only problem with that is they, through their actions, create that negative and dangerous society. You can’t burn your house to the ground and then complain you have nowhere to live.

“You’re intolerant of my desire to have a white enthnostate! Why won’t the Jews recognize and appreciate my desire to wipe them from the face of the Earth! Wahhhhhh!”

You know what’s funny? You vote against your own interests and then blame liberals for your vote. Meanwhile, you’re also claiming the mantle of personal responsibility. Much like you point out when a child makes a horrible decision and then teach them that actions have consequences, Trump voters need to be reminded

If we’re in a system where we decide on the common good for everyone, we need to let common sense and integrity rule over fear in our decisions. There’s no place for “I’ve got mine so fuck you”, from politicians or the people who vote them in. We have to demand better.

While I agree, I honestly don’t have a lot of sympathy at this point? It’s not that everyone is a bigoted monster on his level, it’s that at some point you have to have some integrity or you get judged with the company you keep. The difference between Trump and a shitty boyfriend is that everyone else around you

They’re scared. If there was a more positive and safe society they could join, they would.


Intolerant of what? Bigots? Sorry. That doesn’t wash.

Democracy takes courage.

We are talking about the people Facebooking and Tweeting him being imbeciles. There is no Trumpcare. It is Obamacare. He is trolling these people into visiting the website, signing up, and seeing that the program isn’t the work of the devil like they have been propagandized too. But they all think it is this amazing