
So if a pharma company hires more reps they’re a pyramid?

A pyramid scheme is defined by investment and recruitment without an actual product. As far as I know, LLR consultants aren’t supposed to bring in more consultants, and there is an actual product that gets sold.

Ah, that makes sense. What a bunch of bullshit—these companies obviously only make money getting other people to sign up as sellers and be a part of their downline. Potayto / potahto.

I don’t think he’s saying that the European languages that were forcefully imported to Africa haven’t evolved into their own regional variants that have a very different sound than their European counterparts.

^^ this. Your accent is 100% who you spend your time with. Case in point. I am a cali native, live here. my gma was originally from Jamaica NYC - and despite moving here in like fucking 1950 grandma still talked like she just got off the subway. so my somewhat-special needs uncle that spent years primarily with her -

I am going to say it.

Tucker Carlson finding actual physical difficulty in performing the task of breaking that news is priceless.

I said your joke was dumb, not that I’m tired.

Funny how your comment didn’t get a response from the OP, isn’t it?

In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1

Where is your evidence? Please don’t go self-referential and say the bible is the evidence.

However, if you do go that route, then you out yourself as not being the open-minded “just asking questions, just looking for proof” innocent interlocutor

Too black-mirror-y. The world is on fire. We are adults. I don’t want a chipper pig.

If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to prove me wrong, show me the evidence that says otherwise.

“My name is Barry Allen, and I’m the best delivery man Amazon ever had...”

And yet again, DC proves that it’s ashamed of it’s super-heroness of it’s superhero movies.

If you are trolling, well done. If not, I have words.

I have thousands of questions however your answer will undoubtedly be “It’s God’s will” so you won’t be able to answer any of my questions.

The fact that nice, church going older black ladies lock stepped for “super predator” labeling Hillary is almost as weird to me as union members who vote for republicans. Hillary would have been much better than Trump but that is the lowest bar in American political history.

There is another article up today asking why the left is failing. This article is why. Like him or loathe him, Sanders did more to energize the voting left than anyone else has done recently.

Was Bob’s Burgers giving a nod to this in the episode about “Hawk and Chick”?