
Okay, this one hurts. This year’s turning in to a real shit tornado. A shitnado.

As horrible as her death was, it’s also pretty damn horrible to convict an innocent person of a grisly murder. If they felt there was reasonable doubt it was him, they did the right thing.

Considering this is a group of people who had to have the meaning of unanimous explained to them at least twice in relation to a pretty commonly known foundation of jury trials, I’m not as surprised as I would be.

Oh jeez, it’s been rough since Rick and Morty ended. The emptiness grows even worse when you consider season four won’t be arriving for “like a really long time,” according to Adult Swim.

It’s called a taste. Millions of people love this show. You do not, and that is fine, but writing such posts is unnecessary. When you do that, it always looks like you’re saying “look at me! I don’t like the thing that millions of people like! I’m differeeeeeeeeeeent!”

I admit I am the resident cynic but that hotel room video is beneath my scorn. To take it even half way seriously you would have to trust that the voices on the tape are staff and not just average pranksters. You would have to believe that someone walks into a room with that kind of screaming unarmed. You would have

That’s the thing that annoys me most about these sorts of urban legends — it’s like people don’t even bother to do the research to make them realistic and avoid anachronisms. It was maybe understandable before the Web was a thing, because getting exact dates would be difficult for both the creator and reader/debunker


Now that sounds like a good campaign. I love when there’s lots of problem-solving instead of wall-to-wall hack-and-slash.

Makes sense Mirror Universe Trump would’ve savvy enough to be prepared for all eventualities! My rogue was famous for always having the right tool for any situation. All my loot got converted to odd bits of tools and hardware ASAP. My weapons sucked, but if you found yourself in need of a crowbar or a fishhook I was

I did! Cripes, those things were useful. 10' torch, spring traps, fish things out of gelatinous cubes, pin a zombie to a wall, wedge into a crevasse to support a crumbling ceiling, at which point I... I had to leave it behind.

I’m not sure what to think at this point—it seems like France didn’t act in 100% good faith at all times, but, it also seems as though the gravamen of Gossett’s grievances (that France got the entire idea from her own project and simply appropriated all of her research and writing) are wholly disputed by various

There are lots of other people filled with spite who get their rocks off by watching Trump do this sort of thing.

Let’s rewind the clock back to 2008. The world was less (visibly) crazy, less (visibly) hateful. I was also a teenager. I had just fallen in love with smart cars.

the mug thing actually happens a lot if you put cold water in the glass, and condensed water forms a seal around the bottom edge. Air trapped beneath the glass will actually cause the glass to move or float across a surface. Fun fact.

I need you to listen. None of this is real. Do you understand? We’ve got our best people working on getting you out but, as of now, they can’t do that without you realizing the life you think you’re experiencing is a simulation.

Netflix what can we greenlight for you today?