
Another issue. In a merge a-holes will just keep cutting off self-driving cars because they won’t be programmed to block, but to avoid. So the lane will essentially stop as the autonomous vehicle remains motionless and is cut off repeatedly by the never-ending stream of me-first entitlementbois.

I read that as Mister Meeseeks...

Had a lot of fun going as bearded Morty with my Tiny Rick son and running into a group of Rick and Morty side characters!

[[Mandatory mention that a photo gallery is better than a video. ]]

Here’s the thing: Disney has ruined public domain. Now companies can claim copyright way pass the artist’s life expectancy, thus never allowing really anything to fall into public domain, which strangles people’s ability create new ideas based on those ideas of the past. And any time there is something is about to be

But, as another commenter stated “No harm, no foul.”

1. Download Hakchi2, connect NES Mini to PC, run Hakchi2

“My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome! Is there any amongst this rabble with the authority to treat with me?”

I’m wondering if the Jeopardy producers are going to take this as a challenge and bust out the secret classified folder of categories to humble him.

I think a lot of the crazy fans who expected some massive payoff finale missed how fun the last episode was.

If they release a standalone episode around Christmas wouldn’t that be more a Christmas special and not a secret season finale?

I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.

The top story is the first one in this entire series that didn’t nauseate me and make me feel like we were supposed to sympathize with child abuse.

The first episode is the only one I have not actually watched. I think skipping it gives you a better taste for the show.

These stories are FAR more sympathetic than the last few, esp the one about the mom who hit her kid with a belt.

Oof, the first one sounds terrifying. A kid having an injury and you having no clue how it got there has got to be a major parenting nightmare.

Thank y’all for affirming my (and my wife’s) decision to replace our carpet with hardwood. Our first is on the way. It makes me feel good about the investment in hardwood floors.

See, here’s where you fucked up: You’re trying to apply any kind of logic to the pro-lifers and their wildly inconsistent belief system.

We just had an episode prior to ABC’s of Beth where we were repeatedly shown how easy it is for Rick to manipulate the memories of his family why would he allow a clone Beth to have any memory of what happened in ABC’s of Beth?

Who hurt you? Why are you like this?