
i mean it’s right there on the name, the Munchie Meals

Their menu was designed by stoners, that’s for sure.

Which is funny because Jack in the Box is clearly targeting stoners with their late night menu offerings.

Good argument though.

“I wash myself....with a rag on a stick.”

Huh. I had a feeling like I had already read this exact article more than once.

What a novel concept!

I just hate how racist the steamies are towards the diesels and that all the trains are such dicks to each other.

Blaine is a pain, and that’s the truth.

I hear this excuse from men all the time.

Oh definitely. I hate cleaning and I have a hard time getting stared, but saying I don’t know how to would be totally disingenuous.

Okay, this is actually frightening. Your husband refuses to clean the litter boxes knowing you CANNOT do it to the point where the cat pees in the sink? Yells at you because he can’t be arsed to clean up after himself but moving something is a federal crime? BLAMES ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS THAT HE DOESN’T LIKE ON YOU???

Like, who “learns” how to clean? You apply cleaner, you scrub. The cleaners tell you what they’re used for on the bottle. Watch one hour of TV and Mr. Clean will show you how it’s done, if you are a visual learner. FFS.

In my case it’s a combination of autism and ADHD, but it only affects me and my cats(I never let it get to the point of neglecting the litter box, tho, or “their” space) and I’ve gotten really good at making sure I do my best to clean one day a week(schedule in my phone). Actually my house is pretty clean these

You’re home enough to chase after and clean up after Pee Cat every.single.time it pees in the sink, but you don’t have time to do your fucking dishes more than once a week? And husband getting mad asking him to clean a fucking litter box? Let me guess, he is going to whine having to “babysit” his own kid, too. I don’t

I don’t want to pile on this lady, but I just gotta say: if asking her husband to clean the litter box while she’s freaking pregnant elicits anything other than “of course dear”, let alone a fight, then there are problems. She can’t do it, it needs to be done, he’s the only other person available. This does not bode


hey drama queen, you’re the one who decided to tell everyone how you live in squalor of your own volition but it’s totes not a big deal.

Oh noooo, god forbid people shame you for living in squalor when you can afford to clean your place. People telling how to stop living like an animal is the microagression of the century, isn’t it?

I know some women do definitely have this problem, but “I don’t know how to clean” is definitely also Man speak for “cleaning is beneath me.”