
I love how the people whining about the comments don’t stop and think “what if any of these commenters have suffered from being abused as kids.” Because there’s quite a lot who have, or have witnessed abuse or worked with abused children. Like no shit they’re annoyed at the apologia.

No, the comment section correctly called out myopic naval gazing thinkpieces that apologised for child abuse. Jez should be absolutely ashamed for enabling this.

The NYT had a fantastic story about CPS and their “Jane Crow” bias against poor minority mothers. That story did a good job of finding black women who had their kids taken away for things like having a little pot on them when they are with their kids or a little kid getting outside on their own-things that happen all

“By my second time in court, I also learned that the judge I had had a reputation for being tough. She expected parents to be accountable for their actions and address the issues that had brought them to her court.”

I love that the Satanic Temple makes it their beeswax to be as ridiculously litigious as they can whenever shit like this happens. They are good eggs.

As someone who never read the books, I thought it was a perfectly cromulent popcorn movie.

I honestly think it was originally written as something else, and then changed to be a Dark Tower movie. Kinda like the I, Robot movie, which was another Akiva Goldsman adaptation.

I don’t see how it’s based on The Gunslinger at all, other than sharing character names. The Gunslinger is about Rolands ceaseless pursuit of the Man in Black across unfathomable distance and time, his discovery that what he really seeks is the tower, about the world moving on and decaying. The movie is about his

Chip Gaines is essentially Mr. Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman, I just realized.

Enough about the wheel, how did the little yodeling fella fare today?

Here for the Caillou hate. Caillou? Fuck you.

I’m sorry, but I’m contractually obligated to post the following whenever someone mentions Caillou:

Ugh, Caillou. I hate that whinny, bald little fuck.

I could not agree with you more. My youngest went through both a Caillou and a Maya the Bee phase. Bleak times. Bleak times.

Can we just put an injunction against the entire show? My 3-year-old went through a (thankfully brief) phase where she loved this show. It may not be the worst kids show ever (looking at you, Caillou), but it’s in the top (bottom?) 10

We would also have accepted “adorabyl.”

That’s been my rationale since the days of Kazaa and Limewire.

Is the thought the people who pirate media would be unlikely to pay for the content anyway even if that was the only alternative?

The running theory is this: Laura, the Golden Orb, was sent by the Lodge Spirits to defeat Judy, the Mother, the Experiment. Bob tried to kill or possess Laura to stop her, through Leland. Judy possessed Sarah.

That extended sex scene was pretty pointless, except for the wonderment of watching “Diane” continually mush “Dale’s” face around with her hands. What was that about?