With respect, I think the moment you talk about “life”, you’ve already walked down a path that the anti-choice movement has spent years building psychological tripwires into the populace.
With respect, I think the moment you talk about “life”, you’ve already walked down a path that the anti-choice movement has spent years building psychological tripwires into the populace.
Life is just so hard when you’re a billionaire in charge of the most powerful country on earth. I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.
because feeling good is the catalyst to get people to act and we want people to act more when it comes to these issues.
And 2 million eligible black voters didn’t vote at all, an 11% drop from 2012. I do not bring this up to lay blame: my point is you can spin the numbers to drive home any point you want. Yes, I agree white women have traditionally not embraced minority women/communities in their feminist causes. Yes, I agree white…
That is simply not true. Every protest/march does not bring out every single person who has ever protested/marched for anything because that’s just a ludicrous expectation. People have priorites and focus and that’s ok, most people have to work and have lives outside of their political activism. This march was huge…
You guys are nothing if not predictable.
this, right here.
So we can expect you at the next Farmworkers march right? Or the next immigrations march? Or at Standing Rock (which IIRC, you did not attend?).
While I agree that people shouldn’t feel great that it was only self interest that brought them out. Challenging them on that (at least in a hostile way with a short phrase or question) isn’t likely to get them to march at other rallies that don’t help them. If anything they will stop showing up for the ones that…
I don’t think she’s saying she was “triggered” by that sign. I think she’s saying that telling protesters coming to a demonstration for the first time don’t need to be told that because they were too nice/white/Christian/congenial there presence wasn’t appreciated.
What about the whales? Will we see the nice black ladies at the next whale protest? Will we see the nice white ladies at the end anti-war protest?
I guess my question to this is: what if the answer to this question is “no, you won’t”? Then what? What if, hypothetically, I marched for reproductive rights, and I disagreed with literally everything else that other people were there for? Did I not belong there, then? Who’s the gatekeeper to a “women’s march” who…
Agreed. An activists job at a large successful action is not to whine about why the people who showed up weren’t at the previous actions, but to do something — other than whining — to make sure as many of them as possible come back to the next one. This article is not helpful.
Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and…
What’s with these purity tests that people on the left require of one another?
The ice cream is not freeze dried (which does sound terrible.) It’s drops of ice cream dropped into liquid nitrogen to make tiny individual balls of ice cream. Its pretty nifty and they stick to your tongue, which is fun.
Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me… the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically. It deserves to perish… it is not I who have lost the war, but the German people
Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.