If you are adding this comment you clearly did not comprehend what was said in the article and you proved Ms DuVernay’s point.
If you are adding this comment you clearly did not comprehend what was said in the article and you proved Ms DuVernay’s point.
“No more Obummercare.”
There is some flawed idea that if we just tried to understand, we would magically agree and be on the same side. I pride myself in honestly trying to understand the other side. I work with republicans, I am friends with republicans. I engage with them and try to learn more. Some of it I agree with, some of it I don’t.…
I think you’re way off with this assessment. He was talking about his treatment as a viable mate, nothing else. Asian men are by far the least wanted males, so the parallel is just if not completely equal.
Eh, he is talking about experiencing racism as a minority. He’s also talking about a specific mechenism/type, one that’s probably more predominantly known for its application to Asian men than black women.
Just because spanking is used by some as a sex act doesn’t mean it alone is a sex act. That’s bad logic.
I agree 100%. This is a constant point of contention between my husband and me. We were both spanked as children, but for me I can tell you the two times I was spanked as a kid and what I did that got me spanked. He was spanked as a regular form of punishment. He always told me he was on the same page with me in terms…
The funny part is, notice it says specifically “if that’s all they’re doing.” Nearly all parents, including abusive parents, who spank don’t just spank at the beginning.
Um...the list of normal things parents do with/to their children (and against their children’s will) that would be considered assault if you did it to an adult is pretty long. I mean, I had to force my 10-year old son to brush his teeth the other day. If I had done that to an unwilling grown-up or to somebody else’s…
And if you physically prevented an adult from leaving their house at 2 A.M., it would be kidnapping. And if you took away an adult’s possession as punishment because you didn’t like their attitude, it would be theft. On the other hand, if you refuse to give food, shelter, or medical care to an adult, you haven’t done…
I am not someone who thinks spanking makes any damn sense, but I certainly think there’s a difference between light open-hand spankings and child abuse.
Doesn’t violate their standards? That’s disgusting. Fuck Facebook.
FB reporting is utterly useless. I was once reported because I posted a photo I took in the Louvre of a painting of a bare breasted woman.....it violated their standards apparently...but suicide videos of children are A-OK....sigh...
I’m glad that I’ve solved my baby’s diaper rash the good old fashioned way: by smearing cement butt cream over her nether regions with a reluctant finger, and then wiping the excess on her new diaper, hoping that that extra gesture fixes everything.
You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.
As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.
That begs the question: does deer sex ever look consensual? Would people who aren’t learned on the subject of deer behavior recognize the signs?
“Call them out” to satisfy your ego. But when they feel less than enthused to join in your causes that they normally agree with, don’t be shocked or “call them out”.
Well of course you’re right, but why approach people on your own team who are trying to help with cynicism, sarcasm, and alienation, simply because they are white?
You’ll never get any internet points with that kind of attitude!