
This is objectively good. I don’t understand why people who are so against abortion because it is ‘child murder’ don’t get that the best way to stop abortions isn’t to make them illegal (have you people HEARD of Prohibition???) but rather to increase sex ed/access to condoms/etc. etc.

I guess I’m just old. I find the uterus detail amusing, but I think sheer dresses and distracting underwear cancel out the workmanship. In this instance, and many others. Nudity, or an uncompetitive plain lining, would be so much more aesthetically pleasing.

UNCRC is a weird thing. Conservatives oppose it because it creates serious limits on the punishment of juvenile offenders, among other reasons. But there’s also some liberal opposition - which mostly focuses on LGBT issues. The convention has language that says that all children have a right to things like knowing

I don’t think you understand my position at all. Yes, the Civil War was about slavery. If the south had miraculously banned slavery in 1850, there would not have been a civil war. BUT, slavery was not the immediate cause. It was the reason, but not the cause. The question is ‘Why did the south choose to secede from

I’m sorry, I’m sick and deeply upset as well. But I’m also optimistic that Trump can be beaten. There was an exit poll in Wisconsin that 51% of voters didn’t approve of Trump but 1 in 5 voted for him anyway. That man doesn’t have a mandate and governing like he does is going to fuck him. But I don’t want

I know fighting with a SJW is futile, but yes and no. Sooner or later a conflict over slavery was going to happen and was happening. Did it have to lead to war? Possibly, but not inevitably. The fact that we’re really the only major power that fought a war over slavery shows that at least everyone else in the world

I don’t care to read most or really any of these, but to be fair to the first one, Lincoln was definitely hated in his own time. He is the only president whose election triggered a civil war. He assumed (perhaps rightly) that he was going to lose re-election and it was only Fremont’s dropping out and Sherman burning


You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!

For pointing out your hypocrisy?

You’re graceful in defeat.

Fuck you for sitting there acting as if you’re above anyone here.

You’re right. Most POC I know are upset that our COUNTRY lost. You’re upset that Hillary lost.

Yeah, I figured. Most POC I know are upset that Hillary lost. You’re upset that Hillary lost. There’s a difference.

Yes, blaming and insulting the voters who voted for Trump or Stein or Johnson. Focus on why Hillary Clinton didn’t win them to win next time.

Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate who ran a bad campaign. I’m sorry that you’re so bothered by that but it’s the facts. I’m upset she lost too, but I refuse to fall into the trap the GOP did with President Obama and that Democrats did last time with W.

Agree entirely. The debate isn’t whether or not a fetus is alive. The debate is whether or not a fetus is a person, and, if it is: A. should it’s rights supersede the rights of the woman it is growing inside of and B. who determines what is best for it- the government or the woman it is growing inside of?

Y’all this Nigel person is clearly trolling. They’re going to keep making that alive=human straw man until they “make you realize” your logical error in not seeing that, or they’re going to be “convinced” by you that yes, it’s murder

I’m pro-choice and you’re being an asshole.

Well if we’re going to get into reality.... not all third party votes were against their own best interests. In states that were safely in one camp or the other, additional votes for a candidate that’s going to win anyway don’t matter nor do additional votes for a candidate that will never win. That’s math. In my