
Thank you for saying this. I am staunchly pro-choice and do not believe in having any legal restrictions on abortion. But I assure you - the stillborn baby I delivered in my 43rd week of pregnancy was alive at one time. She did not live outside of me and she was not entitled to any rights, especially those that would

A more apt statement would be, “Something that isn’t born yet is not a person for legal purposes and therefore cannot be murdered.” I always logic people with this: if a fetus is a person, why don’t pregnant women get tax credits for it? If a fetus is a person, why don’t people say “I have three children” instead of

“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

I don’t get that line. It doesn’t mean he can’t have kids, just that he can’t have kids with those women.

lol by deserve everything we get, you must mean all the free stuff. There is no punishment for anyone with any sort of intelligence.

They don’t have compassion for this woman, because the contents of uterus > woman. When I tried to impress on a (white dude) coworker that women will suffer and die without abortion access, he said “good. They should suffer.”

I know there is a lot of “well they deserved it” going on here, but... banning them from the eShop so they can’t actually buy things any more seems like “cutting off your nose to spite your face”.

Eh, no sympathy here. Not gonna pass judgement on them for pirating, but if you’re going to do it at least spend the effort to do it properly.

Pence couldn’t get his paperwork together in a timely manner like a lazy high schooler. Paperwork that is helping him prepare for the White House.

Hey did anyone post the Schoolhouse Rock video because that would be really funny and not at all joking the joke that you already made!

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

Yes, do stop right there, because if you thought HRC would have had a problem with people saying #NotMyPresident and #RiggedElection before...

Can’t wait till the media that coddled this bastard (and are continuing to in the wake of his election) get their comeuppance when he shuts them out regularly during the Presidency. Especially when they spent so much time lambasting the Obama administration on their transparency and trying to make them out to be

I know FDR won a bunch. But I just never really got why that was an issue. I mean eventually they will stop running, die, or lose.

I fail to see why term limits for congressmen are any better or worse than term limits for POTUS. I mean the only reason to have either is to prevent repeated election. By the same token I don’t see how some form of limit would be any more detrimental for congress than it is for POTUS.

Great. Is he going to personally fund those accounts? Because my preexisting conditions can’t be put on hold until I check the couch cushions for enough change to cover my massive medical bills.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

that sleeve of 100 in black or brown by goody. that’s where it’s at.

If fashion was solely dictated by me, then yes. I prefer clear hair ties on blondes.