
I get it. I grew up in a solidly Republican suburb outside a heavily Democratic city, and as high school (and then college) student who was interested in politics, I had mentors who tried to steer me towards Republican causes/volunteering opportunities. The implication was pretty clear — as a woman and as a minority,

“I didn’t agree with the decision because I felt as though millennials and Gen-Y didn’t view nudity as the issue,” Cooper had said to BI. “The issue was the way in which the nudity and girls were portrayed.”

But do you even have the legal rights to decide that someone is not allowed to tell your story? I mean that’s basically every unauthorized biography ever, no?

Because her mom has every legal right to write about her life, including her daughter. What legal basis would there be for *preventing* a mother from writing about her deceased daughter?

I wouldn’t have to rip them if they weren’t so expensive on iTunes.

Can I be friends with you and your friends? I’m surrounded by Dylan true-believers and it’s very tiring to be the lone dissenter.

I happen to think Bob’s music offers more than the Beatles and I will stand on your mother’s coffee table in my cowboy boots and scream it.

I’ll say it: Fuck Bob Dylan.

I would have gone with Beethoven or Mozart.

Yeah but what isn’t overrated in this day and age?

I mean, my father tells me he’s a good writer and musician...and, dammit, I tried, but there was only one song that I could tolerate (can’t think of the name, of course!)

Listening to all the old white guys gush about the award for the subsequent week was the worst. I’m just hoping the number of days between the mentions I hear gets longer and longer.

I mean, third parties need that 5% threshold to get federal funding. But sure, we’ll go with “nothing.”

Yup. I get it, too.

This couldn’t be more true and its something I imagine most are afraid to call out. My wife and mother-in-law are both diagnosed Bipolar, but couldn’t be further from each other on the toxicity scale. My mother-in-law spent the majority of my wife’s childhood in bed once she and her husband got divorced. The

I’ve still not heard anything that is even remotely as scary as the “Look at Me” one, but every year I look forward to you wonderful commenters trying to best it.

“liars aren’t usually genuinely apologetic.” Yep. <claps> or able to come clean about their behavior and be accountable for it during the apology. (Which is the most important thing IMO)

Trump is more like Sarumann

What about people who have real, from-the-left critiques of Clinton that have never been actually addressed?
