
I’d rate this higher than a C+, I think. The writers’ intent wasn’t to wow with something new, but just go back to these very likable characters doing their thing. The episode was a setup for the main mystery and it did its job. Given how well researched The Knick seemed to be, I wonder if the supermarket layout stuff

Man, The Knick was a fantastic show. One of the most underrated and under-watched shows of recent times, next to Manhattan and Halt and Catch Fire. Might catch up on this just to catch S2 (heard S1 was pretty good + Matthew Rhys are also bonuses).

Last week, Laena Velaryon committed suicide by dragon-fire after a difficult labor. Her reasons for doing this are up to viewer interpretation, because the show gives us very little to go on.

Yeah, and the boxes were in his office? Seems pretty suspect. And I doubt Logan is much of a Nirvana fan

This was my favorite of the season so far. J. Smith-Cameron is always great, but I enjoy seeing her as a foil for Logan. Also Ziwe!

Should be an A. This season, even more than the others, feels like something special. Something that’ll be talked about decades from now. It’s so fucking good you guys

Quite a few will kill each other. For not being “pure” enough.

The last harumph.

Brits don’t really understand that Americans both love and do not care at all about the British monarchy.

I think this series was just remarkable. Michaela Coel creates this amazingly vivid world that I’m not sure I’ve seen before. Tackling issues of race, consent and attitudes to sex, friendship, relationships, family. I never knew what to expect from it and I think it was brilliant. Not always easy or comfortable but

Yes! I thought that too.  Other than the role reversal of him having to dance for Terry, there’s no reckoning there, even in the revenge scenario.

Two things that jumped out at me:

Janelle Monae ArchAndroid TRIPLE HEADER during the stalking/ attacking scene was everything. 

I also noticed how when she confronts him in the bathroom stall he goes through all possible reactions - justification, minimising it, anger, threats, seduction, breakdown - while Bella basically passively watches. It made much more sense once I realised she was running possibilities in her head to see which one would

Once I realised that those were just fantasies I also realised it was Bella trying to find the perfect ending for her book. The resolution Zain was talking about. The way she fiddles with her notes and post-its after each one before we reset. We were watching her creative process.

Wow, this finale had me all over the place emotionally (in a good way). And your comment about it making us examine what we want from Bella and her healing process is so spot on and something I didn’t realize until I read this review (although I think the finale was still very effective without me explicitly making

I’d rather see what she does next with all options wide open than see a continuation of this story. This one felt complete with one season.

I’ll have more thoughts later but THANK YOU for reviewing this, Ashley. I’ve found your commentary a damn site better than the majority of the British coverage for this show, and it seems you’ve tried hard to not think this show is American just because it airs on HBO (seen many fall into this trap).

Wow, the finale was intense. What a fantastic watch.

From my female perspective, anyway, I am utterly baffled about the review’s take on Biagio. She broke into his home using a spare key (I count it as “breaking in” despite the key because she had no permission to use the key to enter his home). She was then obviously unstable to the point that he felt like he had to