
Darren Criss is superb in every episode, the Emmy winner is clear.

I don’t care what she believes, she is the best actress of 2017 hands down. Period.

You are mistaken, after watching it I was absolutely sure that the Oscar is for him, his performance is terrific, the best male performance of the year alongside Chalamet, I am really happy I was right.

Because is a masterpiece with SIX incredible and complex characters.

This is one of the best reviews I have ever read, thank you for that, you made the episode even better for me.

You all must be really sad persons.... Margaret is by far the ebst thing in the show, her episodes are the best, she is a real human being, not a robot.... And complang about sex scenes must be the most ridiculolos and funny thing to do....

The Handmaid’s Tale and Big Little Lies are two best shows this year, the Emmys did it right, 2017 is a special year.

The Handmaid’s Tale is the best show of the year by far, with Trump or without him, it doesn’t matter. The reviews of the show in AV Club are not very good, they critized the show for showing a masculine point of view sometimes, which is stupid. The show is a superb masterpiece. 

Americans are really obsessed with political correction.... This is sitcome, is funny, is not an adult drama. The episode was good and funny, i ridiculous to anylize the beahvior of sitcom characters that much.

Objectively BAD? Not at all, is stll good.  

Your personal opinion is irrelevant here, GoT and BB are unanimously and very deservedly considered as two of the best shows ever created. That is never going to change.