
Not trying to take anything away from her at all but... Yeah shit happens but did you plan and design for the shit to happen? It sounds like the car she was driving did not. It essentially had no cage since it wasn’t a “car” at all just a Starfighter with the wings cut off and some wheels bolted on. I remember at the

But then you’d have people who are ostensibly public servants now working exclusively for monetary compensation. No need to respect everyone’s rights, no need to protect anyone but the highest bidder. That’s fine for something like Archer, but for these characters it would present a lot of conflicting issues. 

Your traffic ticket, brought to you by Ring, from Amazon.

She looks good in this dimly lit bar.

Moon Vest

I am - it just has nothing to do with the pandemic.

Mch Ado Abt Nthng

The Price is Right + Unsolved Mysteries + Rescue 911 = the gold standard for staying home sick in the 90s.

I have ideas. They’re not good ones, but I still have them.

Some sins are beyond salvation, Sam.

It’s the unsavory blend of herbs.

The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.

Whoever coded this thing obviously isn’t a fan of Chipotle...

Correct amount of Jeeps is N+ 1

If I hit the lottery jackpot, my wife would never know. She’d just wonder why a few dozen Right-Hand-Drive cars suddenly ended up in our Driveway...and front yard....and back yard.

Two cars: The XLR and the XLR-V.

Love that they cut around the “C” and probably thought, “Fuck, that took way too long, forget cutting around the others.” lol

Likely story. Jason - and all of Jalopnik - has been in the pocket of Big Otter Jizz for years now.

And with the selfie cam.