
LULZ. Wut? TL;DNR; Can U suM up? Kthxbai.

I don't know, I think these are the biggest highlights the Mets were ever involved in.

Not likely, black kids don't play hockey.

Let's be honest, 70% of Congress could fold tomorrow + nobody would notice a difference w/ possible exception of increase in passed legislation.

This looked to be one of Dr. Sam Beckett's toughest leaps, but this just might be the one to send him home.

Dammit, those were clearly low-fives. Why does the high-five get all the credit theses days? I'm a low-five guy livin' in a high-five world, I guess.

I'm surprised it went into the goal. All I ever hear about is Swiss Miss.

Russian Olympic Official: There are some things you should be aware of, Vitaly. One, we're not in Alabama. Two, you're in the back seat because your head would not fit in the front, not because of discrimination against plushies. Three, you're not "Russia's Rosa Parks". And four, if you sing one more line of We Shall

Do you believe in miniscule technicalities?!?!

It's amazing how childish these 'big-time donors' can be. I guess that's why they get booster seats.

Followed shortly by the worst attempt at finding a better replay angle of all time.

They let YouTube apply image stabilization to it, so imagine that motion negated and that's how shaky the original was. Then again, IF THEY DIDN'T SHOOT IT IN FUCKING PORTRAIT WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS ANYWAY.

You'd have to set up a separate website ("Flopspin"?) just to chronicle all Lebron's flops.


Bitch basket on steroids.

Whatever it is, get a friend to stand next to you with a big +1

Here's an idea: bear down and focus on your studies, you embarrassing piece of shit.

Don't see how they were caught off-guard. The kid has Creighton 3 written all over him.

So unfair. The graduates of Ponce de León High can keep playing forever.